This Week at Udacity, August 18 edition

Udacity for Teams
Udacity Inc
Published in
2 min readAug 19, 2017

Sometimes Monday seems so far away when it’s Friday. Maybe it’s because so much has happened since then? Or maybe it’s because one of the most exciting things that happened all week happened … this very morning!

We launched Udacity Connect right here in the Bay Area! Salwa Nur Muhammad—Udacity VP of Admissions and of Udacity Connect—made the announcement, and you can read all about it right here:

Udacity Connect: Accelerated Blended Learning Comes Home to California


You know what else is happening right now? A free preview of our groundbreaking Digital Marketing Nanodegree program!

Which is REALLY good timing, because enrollment closes on August 21st!

We built our Digital Marketing Nanodegree program with the best in the business, like Facebook, Google, Hootsuite, and Moz, and right now, you can see content for all 9 topics we cover, including Content Strategy, Social Media Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Display Advertising, Email Marketing, and more! So enjoy your free preview, and don’t miss your chance to enroll.

Digital Marketing Nanodegree Program — Free Preview!


Speaking of content previews, we were able to share a REALLY cool video this week—our interview with Armen Pischdotchian, Academic Tech Mentor at IBM Watson, and a new consulting expert for our Artificial Intelligence Nanodegree program!

You can read our blog post about Armen, IBM Watson, and the future of AI, right here.


Which Udacity Nanodegree Program Is Right For You?

Choosing the right Nanodegree program is an exciting decision, but it can also be a difficult one. David Silver, who heads up our Self-Driving Car Nanodegree program, very kindly put together a handy all-in-one guide this week, and we published it right here on Medium!


And with that, we come to the highly anticipated …

Tweet of the Week!

We’re actually going to cheat, and do two Tweets. The first is partly in gratitude to David Silver for his wonderful article, and partly because we can’t resist an awesome GIF:

And we’ll follow that with the kind of Tweet we LOVE to see!

And THAT … is This Week at Udacity.


This post was written by Christopher Watkins, Senior Writer and Chief Words Officer, Udacity



Udacity for Teams
Udacity Inc

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