This Week at Udacity, July 20 edition

Amazing #StudentSuccess stories, Udacity Self-Driving Car spin-off Voyage’s new A-list talent, a historic partnership with Santander, the Tweet of the Week, and more!

Udacity for Teams
Udacity Inc
2 min readJul 21, 2018


To make sure we cover all the good stuff from the week, let’s start right in with what happened … this morning!

First off, a great new #StudentSucess story from Sweden (and Tokyo!):

“A Nanodegree program is one of the sharpest weapons you can have in the fight to find your dream career.”

What’s that, you say? MORE data-centric Student Success? You got it!

“Since becoming a Udacity student, the curiosity to learn things, and the persistence to build things, has been ingrained in me.”

Alums of our Nanodegree programs aren’t the only ones making waves this week. Alums of our company are as well! You may remember Oliver Cameron from his days heading up our Self-Driving Car Engineer Nanodegree program, and you may even know he’s now running his own self-driving car company, Voyage. All of which has been decidedly newsworthy in the past, but Voyage is again in the news in a big way—and not once, but twice! Check it out:

Way to go Voyage!

These weren’t the only newsmaking mergers in Udaciland this week. Udacity was also honored to initiate an exciting partnership with Santander …

… highlighted by a news-making signing ceremony:

I know, I know, great tweet, but, get to the Tweet of the Week, you’re saying! Alright, we will! Here it is, the …

Tweet of the Week!

Let’s go with this one. Because it’s Sebastian. And because the story is amazing!

And THAT … is This Week at Udacity!


This post was written by Christopher Watkins, Senior Writer and Chief Words Officer, Udacity



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