This Week at Udacity, September 1 edition

Udacity for Teams
Udacity Inc
Published in
2 min readSep 2, 2017

If you fashion yourself a bit of a Where’s Waldo-er—someone who likes spotting things in a crowd—then this would have been a good week for you to go looking for the big blue U that spells Udacity, as we showed up in quite a few unexpected places this week.

For example, there we were, on a T-shirt, in an article about quadruplets going to Yale!

And was that a Udacity student whose deep neural network went all viral when it wrote the next 5 chapters of Game of Thrones? You bet it was!

And did we show up on a Paysa panel discussion the value of online courses and bootcamps? Yes, yes we did!

And was that us on Matthew Pegler’s laptop, as he got down to some serious learning with a big ol’ cup of coffee by his side?

Yep, that’s us! And we’re going to call that our Tweet of the Week!


But all fun “Where’s Udacity?” games aside, the one place where we really love to be above all else is in YOUR stories, and when we learned about Nick Hester’s story, well, we just had to share it:

Ok, a couple more tweets, because we can’t resist! How about this one? Definitely earns points for coining the term “un-uglified”:

And how sweet is this?

Love it! And THAT … is This Week at Udacity!


This post was written by Christopher Watkins, Senior Writer and Chief Words Officer, Udacity



Udacity for Teams
Udacity Inc

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