This Week in Machine Learning, 26 June 2017
This week’s top Machine Learning stories are here for your review! Discover a new PhD in machine learning, explore how machine learning can impact digital marketing, learn about Kaggle’s latest challenge, and more!
Machine Learning is one of the most exciting fields in the world. Every week we discover something new, something amazing, something revolutionary. It’s incredible, but it can also be overwhelming. That’s why we created This Week in Machine Learning! New posts will be published here first, and previous posts are archived on the Udacity blog.
Whether you’re currently enrolled in our Machine Learning Nanodegree program, already working in the field, or just pursuing a burgeoning interest in the subject, there will always be something here to inspire you!
Facebook’s AI chatbots autonomously invent their own new language while learning to negotiate with one another, while also demonstrating other human abilities like bluffing.
Georgia Tech approves a new PhD in Machine Learning program through a collaboration between its colleges of Computing, Engineer, and Sciences.
Google releases a new deep learning framework, which it dubs “mode model to learn them all”, into open source as part of its Tensor2Tensor library.
Stackla launches Co-Pilot, a recommendation engine at the intersection of machine learning and digital marketing that helps brands publish personalized content for the readers.
The competitive machine learning platform Kaggle hosts an online competition for machine learning engineers to tackle efficiency in airport security using TSA datasets.
Engineers at Cisco develop a machine learning model that can detect the presence of malware within encrypted traffic even without understanding the traffic itself.
Keep on Learning!