This Week in Virtual Reality, 10 October 2016

David Joyner
Udacity Inc
Published in
2 min readOct 11, 2016

It’s October, and VR is here for Halloween! Plus, why you want VR competencies on your resume if you want to work in finance, and more!

Virtual Reality is one of the most exciting new areas of technology, and for good reason. VR offers amazing experiences for users and creators both, and growth in the space is incredible. New products, new technologies, new experiences, and best of all, new jobs! Did you know that Virtual reality job openings are up 800% year-over-year? It’s true!

With so much going on in this fast-moving field, it can be hard to keep up. That’s why we created “This Week in Virtual Reality.” Each week we publish a curated list of Virtual Reality stories as a resource to help you keep pace. New posts will be published here first, and previous posts are archived on the Udacity blog. So, whether you’re currently enrolled in our VR Developer Nanodegree program, already working in the field, or just pursuing a burgeoning interest in the subject, there will always be something here to inspire you!


Morgan Stanley projects Facebook’s value to rise 24% based on its virtual reality business while Zuckerberg discusses showing virtual reality to world leaders at Facebook HQ.


Madefire, a startup that creates three-dimensional comic books, releases its first virtual reality app, for both new and original comics and upgraded versions of existing comics.


Edmonton-based VR Cave creates its first virtual reality haunted house, providing an immersive experience in a small room equipped with an HTC Vive headset.


British financial firm Lloyds Banking Group asks potential employees to demonstrate their competencies in virtual reality before being hired.


Researchers from the startup SPACES Inc. use virtual reality to identify the presence of implicit biases in fields like scientific research and law enforcement.


Facebook debuts the virtual reality equivalent of emojis, VR avatars whose actions and expressions mimic those of the current user.



David Joyner
Udacity Inc

Product lead at Udacity. Founder of LucyLabs. Instructor at Georgia Tech. Find me at