Your Most-Read Stories of 2017

Curriculum details were highly-prized on our Medium publication this year, as were hiring insights, student success stories, and more!

Udacity for Teams
Udacity Inc
3 min readDec 28, 2017


We read blogs for many reasons—to get information, and to get inspired; for pleasure, and for research; to learn more about a person, and to learn more about a company.

Judging by the Top 10 Most-Read Stories published on Udacity’s Medium publication this year, you read this blog because you want details about what we teach! Fully 50% of the top posts focused on curriculum. For your reference, here are those 5 posts, presented chronologically in the order they were first published:

You also enjoyed Student Success Stories, written by the lifelong learners who actually lived the stories—these two wonderful tales made the Top 10 as well:

Also popular were informational posts that provided actionable advice, like these two Top 10 posts:

If you’re counting, you’ll note we’re up to nine posts now. We’ll close out our 2017 summary by sharing our #1 Most-Read Post of 2017, and in doing so, we’ll congratulate our very own Brad Crispin, the post’s author. Great work Brad! Your wonderful post—which is simultaneously heartwarming, inspiring, motivating, and informative—captured the hearts and eyes of our readers this year, and is officially our most-read post of 2017:

Thank you to every single one of you who took the time to come and read something from Udacity this year, we appreciate it so much! We hope to inspire and inform with everything we publish, and looking back on these results now, it’s deeply gratifying to feel as if we were able to offer something of value to you.

Thank you as well to all the wonderful writers who’ve contributed to this publication—your words have moved people, and lives have been changed.

Writers, please keep the wonderful words coming, and readers, please keep coming back to read. There are stories afoot!


This post was written by Christopher Watkins, Senior Writer and Chief Words Officer, Udacity



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