Your story begins today!!

Nikhil Bansal
3 min readJan 10, 2018


Hi everyone, this is probably my first “non-technical” blog. I am an Android Developer and usually write blogs related to Android development. Today, I am here to share my story.

Everyone wants to do something good with their life, be a successful developer, be a great father, be a good teacher and more. But there is a little part of us that is just intimidated with the fact that he will fail. We all have been there when we have to make an important career choice. We see people around us who are doing well in their fields and wonder, what if I was as good as them?

We all hope to become just like them, maybe someday thunder will strike and we’ll become damm good!. Well, this ain’t gonna happen!

The only way you can be good at something is practice. You want to climb until the 100th stair? You’ll have to start with the 1st. I know how intimidating it is. I started my Android Developer journey in January 2017. I used to see other developers and would wonder, will I ever be as good as them? Am I creative enough to build something from scratch? (still figuring that out😂).

“ The desire for more positive experience is itself a negative experience. And, paradoxically, the acceptance of one’s negative experience is itself a positive experience”

— Mark Manson ( The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life)

One day, I decided to leave all those thoughts behind and just start with it anyway. For all those who are still wondering, stop!! The more you think about it, the more time you lose.

You’ll never know if you don’t try it today!

This is the time, you have to try what you’re thinking! I also just put aside my thoughts and just tried to code. I know coding can be intimidating sometimes and it is okay. I believe it is just like maths. The more you do, the better you get!

You can’t just wait for everything to eventually fall into place. You gotta make things happen. Do some sh*t!! As I started my journey, I didn’t get a lot of exposure to some useful resource that would help be build my confidence. I knew about some courses made by Udacity. The courses were promising and I gotta say, they are pretty good. Slowly, all those thoughts about being someone went away. Since that day, I didn’t spend a moment sitting and thinking , will I ever be as good as him? Instead, I began to improve my skills to become who I wanted to be. To my surprise, I got some attention as a developer and was approached for a project!! That was the day I felt that hard work someday pays off and just holding on to the thought that I will get better. I worked on the project and made some awesome developer friends! I then went on to do my Android Basics and Android Developer Nanodegree Programs from Udacity and now, after one year, looking back , I am glad I took that one step to start coding.

All I want to say that is you’ll never become better by just wondering and thinking how unskilled you are. You have to just start doing something and I promise, things will get better!

[Pro tip]💡 : Whenever you find yourself thinking badly about yourself, like : “How unskilled I am?….I am so bad at this thing!!.” just don’t stop there.

Add another thought to it, “What can I do to change it?…What can I do that will change my current situation??…..What opportunities lie in front of me?” The moment you find the answer to those questions, don’t give it a second thought and just start working on it! You’ll be glad that you took that step!😄

In the end, instead of finding a million reasons why you can’t do it, just find 1 reason why you can do it and hold on to it!! Happy Learning😄😄😄

