Data portability

René Gómez Londoño
Published in
2 min readOct 20, 2019

Well, we have been working on a new project and we are excited because we are convinced we can improve the way online services work. Yeah! We are aimed to change the way Facebook, Spotify, Netflix, Twitter, and any other data-driven company interact with you, the user. Since we learned variety is the real current challenge in Big Data we got really interested in the way we could use it to change the way people share data and more importantly, to allow users to get better benefits out of their data. Have you heard ‘data is the new oil’? Well, kind of, but no, you are not going to get rich because of it. That’s not our objective.

Nevertheless, the world is data-driven nowadays and therefore almost every service you use is powered by data. If we improve the way we use our data we promise you better services, it doesn’t mean money direct to your pockets, but a better way of interacting with the companies behind the online services you love the most.

Ok, ok. This is getting out of control and this is just a test article. For now, you can watch our intro video below to get an idea of what we are currently doing. I don’t like this layout anymore. Here is the video:

Did you make it here? So glad, you are mine now. Yes, there are three big challenges in Big Data applications, but velocity and volume are covered up, or how do you think everything works? Do you remember FailWhale? No right? That's because there are a lot of technologies supporting concurrent operations over data. But when it comes to data integration the story is completely different and we are here to change it.

