toDATA RIGHTS: the right to be informed — the real meta-right!

Evgeny Pozdeev
Published in
2 min readJul 15, 2020

Today we have the biggest deal! The Right to be informed (we’ll refer to it as RTBI) — is the real meta-right and it is one of the most fundamental ones. Why? Read below!
The RTBI states that all people (including you) must be provided with information regarding the data that is being used about them. This information includes the data that is collected, the purposes of collection and usage of this data, the retention periods of the data and (in our opinion most importantly) your rights.
The last point basically makes it obligatory to “repost” the GDPR on every single privacy notice and privacy policy of all services. Technically this measure should act as the strongest Data Literacy instrument — if everybody reads the privacy policy and everything that is written before they click “Accept” or “I agree”, then this blog would probably have no purpose. Of course, the vast majority of people never read it, not even fully, even though the regulation states that this information must be “concise, transparent, intelligible, easily accessible, and it must use clear and plain language”.
Some companies, however, do take this way more seriously than others, and instead of posting a PDF privacy policy with a small text, they build very comprehensive materials on the RTBI. To name a couple:
We truly believe that the future of Data Rights and Data Awareness is in this kind approach: not only companies must use clear and plain language, they really should force themselves to build materials and resources in a way to encourage their users to know and understand their rights. This will build a strong foundation for the Data Aware community, and therefore it can lead to building a secure and aware community of Internet users.
Have you ever read the privacy policy of any service?

