Upskill To Pay The Bills: How New Employees Can Navigate The Emerging Workforce

By Darren Shimkus, General Manager, Udemy for Business

Improving Lives Through Learning
4 min readJul 6, 2018


Credit: Shutterstock

The modern workforce is a place of constant transformation. As a result, the way we work is changing and so are the expectations for employees.

Something interesting happens when you live and work through a time of great change. The value of experience, or the demonstrated ability to achieve a result in a certain field in a certain way, is diminished. In my organization, we are hiring for Customer Success Managers, a role that didn’t exist 10 years ago, and Customer Marketing Managers, which didn’t exist five years ago. When the workforce is changing as fast as it is and new roles are being created, no one has a track record of experience.

In this new world, agility and adaptability rule, and career paths become less linear than ever before. Organizations can help support employees by anticipating new skills needed and paving a path for employees to improve themselves.

While no one can definitively predict the skills of tomorrow, access to data gives businesses the best chance to stay ahead. One of the most fascinating parts of my job is being able to see the data and emerging trends of more than 20 million people around the world working to improve their skills and prepare for what’s next. Paired with state-of-the-art machine learning, our insight into tens of millions of learners gives us visibility into not just what’s important today, but the emerging skills employees will need next.

The Tech Skills For What’s Next

As employees work to gain a vastly different set of technical skills, we’ve seen spikes in the popularity of specific topics that haven’t previously been on the radar of employees or executives. Over the past year, our data has shown learners flocking to courses on everything from artificial intelligence to blockchain to neural networks.

Topping the charts for tech skills is Kotlin, a relatively new programming language that’s an alternative to Java. Kotlin addresses some of the challenges programmers have faced when using Java, namely that the language is verbose, error-prone, and generally sluggish. When Google announced formal support for Kotlin in May 2017, consumption of courses skyrocketed on the Udemy platform by a factor of 95.

That’s just one example of a technology that doesn’t exactly have mainstream awareness but has quickly become an important tool for programmers to have in their toolkit. Typically, employees are having to pick up these new skills on the fly, so it’s critical to have a growth mindset that’s always open to whatever’s next.

Consider this example from Pinterest, a Udemy for Business customer that’s putting this kind of learning agility into practice. Without any prior knowledge, one of Pinterest’s engineers upskilled herself and learned React by taking an online course, which then enabled her to build a brand-new product feature. This kind of innovation can only happen when people have access to the right learning resources in their moment of need.

Emotional Intelligence Vs. Artificial Intelligence

Although the rise of automation has been swift and continues to gain steam, 77% of employers still agree that soft skills are as important as hard skills. For new and veteran employees alike, it’s critical to develop the soft skills that machines can’t replicate.

While there’s no perfect science for determining which soft skills lead to better employees, our learner data on what’s currently trending across industries provides a good clue. Effective leadership ranks as the most in-demand soft skill; that’s unsurprising as these kinds of skills have always been critical for business success. According to Culture Amp employee feedback data, at organizations with great managers and leaders, 89% of employees express commitment to staying with the company.

For younger employees, organizations may need to spend a little extra time training on communication skills, which are most sorely lacking among college graduates entering the workforce, according to 44% of managers. That includes effective business writing, a skill that’s never been more important, as we all use email and social media as our primary communications channels at work.

Learning To Work, Working To Learn

Some may argue that the pace of workplace transformation has rendered traditional college degrees obsolete. That’s a pretty strong statement, but it’s certainly true that a college education is no longer enough to get workers through their entire careers. Rather, we all need to embrace lifelong learning and adaptability, so that upskilling is an integral part of how we approach our jobs, not a separate event that happens away from “real” work.

Since we don’t know exactly what skills the future will demand, a growth mindset can spell the difference between keeping current with the latest shifts instead of struggling to catch up. To ensure your newest hires have the skills your business needs, it’s critical to invest in learning and development from day one, even for employees just entering the workforce. From programming languages to personal development, continuous learning will not only make for more well-rounded employees, but will also foster an agile and innovative workforce.



Improving Lives Through Learning

Udemy transforms lives through learning by ensuring more than 73 million learners have access to the latest and most relevant skills.