Welcome to the new UDL Center!

UDL Center
UDL Center
Published in
2 min readSep 10, 2018

We’re incredibly excited to kick-off a new phase for the UDL Center. Our mission is to shine a spotlight on the stories, people, ideas, and conversations about and around our favorite transformative framework: Universal Design for Learning.

When the UDL Center at CAST was first launched in 2009, our hope was that it would become a hub for researchers, educators, innovators, and learners around the world to share resources, spread new ideas, and cultivate a dynamic, effective UDL field. The bulk of our content was the UDL Guidelines, along with supporting research and examples within each Guideline and Checkpoint. We also hosted a vibrant online community called UDL Connect where our visitors found resources, participated in conversations, and built their own UDL professional learning communities.

Our hope was realized.

But times change. Needs change. Technologies change. Fields grow. The UDL Guidelines now have a more user-friendly, flexible home. There are other wonderful organizations and individuals building networks around UDL (Have you participated in one of the UDL-IRN’s events, or joined #UDLchat on Twitter?). These all push UDL research into new areas and bring UDL concepts to new audiences.

Change can be hard… Good thing we have a growth mindset!

Nearly 10 years after our initial launch, our goals haven’t changed. The field of UDL is thriving and belongs to all of us. What better way to keep building on our original hope than to highlight inspiring work, stories from the field, and courageous conversations right here through a new UDL Center platform?

We invite you to join us in this next big step in our journey. Do you have an idea or new research topic you’d like to share? Do you want to tell a story that might help others understand UDL in a new way? We want to expand the conversation beyond the classroom to include informal learning environments, higher education, and workforce. Everyone is a learner, and everyone deserves to become their best learner. Email us with your ideas. We have big plans, and you are an essential part of them.

Let’s continue growing the UDL field together.

Together we can change the world.



UDL Center
UDL Center

The National Center on Universal Design for Learning at CAST. Together we can change the world.