How to use uDroppy with WooCommerce

Luca Borreani
Published in
5 min readMar 8, 2019

Today, there are two main e-commerce platforms on the market, namely: Shopify and WooCommerce.

Each one of them has different characteristics that make it the perfect solution for digital entrepreneurs or dropshippers according to their needs, budget and knowledge.

In this article I will explain you how easily you could partner up with uDroppy, the success e-commerce platform that provides digital entrepreneurs with the most complete service for their business, if you use WooCommerce.

WooCommerce vs Shopify

First thing first, how is WooCommerce different from Shopify.

Long story short, Shopify is a closed e-commerce platform where people with no programming background can open their stores without the need of technical skills thanks to the themes and the applications one’s can buy and connect to the store.

On the other hand, WooCommerce is the open e-commerce platform of Wordpress which allows you to create your own store with unique design and features thanks to the knowledge and mastery of the code. This platform guarantee the freedom and the differentiation (or personalization) of your store to make it stand out from the others.

Even if WooCommerce seems the more professional platform, Shopify allows you to integrate every feature you need to start and scale your business in your store. This is why it is the most used e-commerce platform even among huge brands like Redbull.

Partnering up with uDroppy as a WooCommerce user

So the question is, can you use uDroppy when running a WooCommerce store?

Absolutely yes!

Connecting WooCommerce to uDroppy is possible thanks to an intermediary: Shopify.

As a WooCommerce business owner you will have to open a new Shopify account that will serve you as a mediator. This means that you won’t need to publish it because it will just be a hall that will allow you to push our products to your store.

But let’s see in details.

First of all, you subscribe to uDroppy (I remember you that is completely FREE OF CHARGE). Once you did it you open a Shopify account (with a first FREE trial of 14 days) and you connect it to uDroppy following these steps:

  • Go to your uDroppy Dashboard and click Store Management;
  • Type the name of your store in the blank section;
  • Click Add Store;
  • Finally, open Shopify to confirm the operation.

Once your Shopify account is connected with our platform you choose and select the best products from our stock and push them to Shopify.

Now, you are almost there. You just lack a plugin that will enable you to connect the WooCommerce store to the Shopify account.

Thanks to the plugin you will be able to integrate the two stores so that it will be easy and safe to push the Shopify products on your WooCommerce showcase and sell them to your clients.

Furthermore, it will allow you to automatically share with Shopify your received orders and, therefore, automatically share them with us. In this way we will receive the orders and — once fulfilled them — we will process them and ship the products directly to your customers.

But what kind of plugins you should use?

We will see some of them in the next paragraph.

WooCommerce — Shopify plugins

Choosing the right plugin is as difficult as choosing the right platform. This is why I selected some of the most useful and effective plugins for you.

Let’ see them together:

  1. Shopify Connect for WooCommerce is designed to combine the best e-commerce platforms and get the best of both to create a successful and effective system to sell your products worldwide;
  2. Cart2Cart is the plugin which allows you to export products, customers, orders and other data from Shopify and successfully import them to WooCommerce;
  3. Litextension Shopify to WooCommerce Migration, thought to migrate all your data from Shopify to WooCommerce without harming your current store or creating any problem.

These are just some of the many plugins available on the market. Be sure to evaluate them all and compare characteristics, prices and reviews to find the one that best suits your needs.


Working with uDroppy while running a WooCommerce store is possible thanks to the mediation of Shopify and migration plugins.

I guess you are now asking yourself why you should invest money in another e-commerce platform. I can answer that!

By opening both a WooCommerce and Shopify account, other than downloading a plugin, you will have the best of both worlds. In fact, you will have the advantages offered by WooCommerce: customization of the store, the Wordpress community and the control. But at the same time you will be able to also take advantage of Shopify connections, namely the chance to sell directly on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest, other the chance to use effective and powerful integrations via app store.

Thanks to this system you will then take the best features of both systems and mix them together while partnering up with the best service provider for digital entrepreneurs.

If you are starting your business today, I strongly suggest you to use Shopify. In this way you will be able to work with uDroppy without needing an extra-investment and you will be able to benefit from all the advantages in terms of scalability. However, if you already are a WooCommerce store owner, we have the solution to make you become a uDroppy partner.


Keep up to date and follow all the news about e-commerce. You just have to follow the uDroppy publication (below) and me. I am always happy to share with you valuable information!



Luca Borreani

Serial Entrepreneur - Growth Marketer | Stealth Startup | Previously founded uDroppy & Targeto