It’s time to go out on the street.

Let’s talk about the things you already know: The world climate is in danger, actually it’s already pretty late to save it. And you try to convince yourself, that you’re already trying a lot. But I know and you know, it’s not enough and it won’t be enough.

2 min readAug 8, 2019


You and me, we don’t have enough power to make the change. You and me, we can change our life, but sadly it won’t have enough impact.

But let me tell you something you already know, but you still don’t believe: We have enough power as a team.

Join Fridays for Future

We need the politicians. We elected them. They have enough impact to change the world. We need to tell them, that they have to.

Every Friday those kids go on the street to fight for the climate. It’s time to join them, to become even louder. It doesn’t matter if you’re a student, a teacher, an unemployed, an employer, a designer, a developer, a grand parent or anything else.

There is this chance to make a point, use it.

We’re only 12, we need more!

We’re a small design agency, a team of 12 and we will join the strike. But 12 is not enough. We need more, we need everyone.

We’re doing this together with, our goal is to motivate all Berlin agencies and everyone related. Do you want to join? I’ll add your name here. Send us an email to and we’ll meet there.

Standup. Change the world. Join us on climate-striking on Sept. 20!

Thank you,




Co-Founder of @_ueberdosis and @heyscrumpy