tontachiAR Overdue Updates!

John Wolff
Urban Electronic Games
3 min readOct 4, 2021


So what’s up with the tontachiAR project you ask!?

A lot. much.

As 2021 started we finished up our first prototype and then torn it to shreds. We’ll spare you the gory details, but we needed to refactor a lot.

Now, Tontachi is looking crispy.. bacon-like crispy🥓

Here’s the latest!


We’ve made it possible to socially share photos taken of your pet piggies (Called Tons; Tons come in the form of Eggton or Crypton)
By hitting the Camera, “Pigtures” are automatically taken and uploaded to a shared album on Imgur!
Below are a few examples taken all over the US!

Niantic Partnership Power!?

We were amongst a few developers chosen to utilize Niantic (PokemonGo)’s new Augmented Reality SDK, Lightship 🚀.
Integrating Lightship into Tontachi has vastly changed the trajectory of the project…



John Wolff
Urban Electronic Games

Strange foreigner「変な外人」, exploring international business via the game industry. Focused on the horizon, Japanese and Mental health