Patsy Montemayor
Valenti Voices
Published in
6 min readJul 14, 2021


Houston Independent School District making sure all the COVID-19 protocols are fully aware for all students and staff. Social distancing is very important to follow throughout in person school and outside school grounds. (AP/Patsy Montemayor)
Houston Independent School District making sure all the COVID-19 protocols are fully aware for all students and staff. Social distancing is very important to follow throughout in person school and outside school grounds. (AP/Patsy Montemayor)

Education in a Global Pandemic

An impact of COVID-19 towards learning

Schools across the nation began to teach virtual education from home causing a nation wide confusion for all students. The department of education forced students to learn remotely. For many students, the SARS-COV-2 became an emotional distress during there educational experiences such as incidents of neglect, lost of focus, and not being presented with the correct teaching skills as soon as the pandemic began, 2020.

“I believe that he was affected in a way where he wasn’t able to learn the way that he normally learns, which is in going in school in person, which he was going before the pandemic.” — Jose Munoz

Students were not able to have the right time or room for their studies, as many schools offer them throughout the school year. Schools across the nation have always offered free wifi and a proper desk to their students to learn with the right attention given to them. Many students experienced a lot of emotional distress but so did the teachers and faculty staff. Many teachers were not ready for this big change and had to overcome their fear over COVID-19 for they could move forward in there teaching careers. As the economic began to demand for the nation to open as normal others still feared for their lives. The desperation of students wanting to return to their normal routines rise towards the new pandemic by also causing many parents to be overworked in there remotely jobs and parenting title.

“Some teachers did give one hundred percent and also some teachers didn’t do the best teaching that they should have.” — Jose Munoz

Bad Start Next Semester

Many cases of students have manage to pass to the next grade without giving much effort needed. As the consequences will rise throughout the following months many parents have alot of concerns on the education their children will receive. Across the nation the students have different ways of learning some may be able to sit their and learn while others need to be watch as they manage to learn the subject. Throughout the pandemic many emotions came along for every especially children who needed the right teaching skills that they cannot receive at home due to parents being at home working or not home. The students can only do so much on their own while the teacher only had to sit through virtually teaching a lesson of more than 20 children in a class. Many students were not able to focus especially the younger age students who tend to fall into playing Roblox or on Youtube instead of listening. Most parents are worried on what the next years will bring to their children and how will it mentally effect their child.

“I believe going into third grade is going to be rough, not just only for my son, but for all other kids that didn’t put the effort into learning the proper knowledge meant to be able to move to the third grade.” — Jose Munoz

Students prepare their backpacks, mask, and hand sanitizer for their new routines after COVID-19 let students return to school in person. Many schools still require the wear of mask as a protocal. (AP/Patsy Montemayor)
A local HISD Elementary student Mikaela Martinez, wearing her mandatory mask to school with a kitten fashion look. Mask have became a pretty big deal for everyone so why not make it into a fashionable way (AP/Patsy Montemayor)
Public health guidelines come first to bring safe throughout the schools. Two local Elementary students sharing face expressions wanting to seat together as they still keep their 6 feet distance. (AP/Patsy Montemayor)
An Elementary Student, Lily Avila from, Katy, Texas. Returning to in person classes. Second grader having to face the new pandemic by attending school with her mandatory mask. (AP/Patsy Montemayor)
After a nationwide mandatory mask order was placed in July, 2020 local school district began their reminders. MAYDE CREEK Elementary made sure to get the reminder out to all their students and staff to wear a mask and also wash their hands. (AP/Patsy Montemayor)
The Department of education informing all parents regarding the closure of all schools due to the rising of COVID-19. Parent of an Elementary student reading updates regarding the beginning of COVID-19 pandemic in March, 2020, in Houston, Texas (AP/Patsy Montemayor)
Houston Independent school district, Sutton elementary welcoming all students back from virtual learning. Making sure all students, families and staff are prepared to follow the safety guidelines. (AP/Patsy Montemayor)
A local HISD student, Sophia Montemayor facing challenges with her virtual learning classes making it difficult for her to learn with her Autism. Learning Remotely is not for every student out there. (AP/Patsy Montemayor)

New Routines for all students

Over the couple of months and after the beginning of a new year upon us the COVID-19 slightly began to decrease within the new shots that were produced. “As of today July 8 (4:30pm), there are 404,986 total confirmed cases of #COVID19 in Houston/Harris County and 4,919 deaths. 344,745 individuals have been fully vaccinated at our HCPH vaccine sites.” — Harris County Public Health

The numbers of COVID-19 cases have decrease and many have walk out of their homes with out mask. As for the students before the end of the school approach half school year with no restrictions on mask due to the decreasing of the virus. Students began to attend school with mask and while others still attended without mask. As for the teachers their attendance became mandatory and learning skills were still not their 100 percent. Many students felt like they were able to get their teachers attention while they taught virtual learning and in person in the same time throughout the pandemic school ending June, 2021 passing all the students. Parents have still raise their concerns over their children passing knowing they might have not deserve to pass.

“He did attend school in person. I also believe that he did not get the proper attention that he needed.” — Jose Munoz

A new challenge

Pamela Martinez, a 28 -year-old Houston Community College student and full-time register nurse at MD Anderson Hospital plus a mother of three children and wife has experience many struggles throughout the pandemic. Mrs. Martinez described the pandemic as a new challenge throughout her job and personal life, “it has impacted everybody in the my work and coworkers at my workplace.” Not only did was she able to go through this new challenge but her husband Mr.Martinez also described the pandemic as a risk due to their two-year-old and two younger daughters who are in school.

When the pandemic was not around the married couple did not have to worry much about their children getting affected by a virus until 2020 began. Now every time, Mrs. Martinez is about to leave work she has to follow many protocols before stepping out of the hospital and also before arriving her home. She described the pandemic as something to be terrifying due to her seeing many of her patients passing away on her sight at work.

Numerous of people were affected by the pandemic all over the world, many lost their jobs and risked everything. The emotional distress was experienced by all ages from young students to adults who taught they were going to be okay. No one never knows what the future holds for everyone not just adults but students as well. As of right now many students of all ages will not be prepared for the following semester of school, as a consequence of COVID-19 that no one asked for many students will have to work 3 times more than they usually do starting August, 2021.



Patsy Montemayor
Valenti Voices

( She, Her, Hers ) Pronounces name Pat-see MAWN-tuh-MAY-or Spanish Language and English Chicana chosen identity for Mexican- American. Welcome Everyone!