#10: Status Updates and Confirmation

Sophie Lowen
UI Weekly Challenge
2 min readApr 11, 2021

This weeks prompts were for status updates and confirmation screens. I decided to do the confirmation screens as Subscription Confirmations. I also found some awesome illustrations through Figma Community that I used for the geo and Mono screens for those designs. Status updates was an interesting challenge and I relied pretty heavily on the different look and feel of icons to make my designs distinctly different.

Status Updates Design


The favorite this week was split because the Geo was seen as better designed how as an interface then Mono is the most functional. This was because the icons are bigger and the line makes it very clear where someone would write their status. The beveled box of the Mono design is nice and gives it a sophisticated feel and it’s less extreme than glass. The Glass gradient makes the text hard to read.

Subscription Confirmed


The Geo design was by far the favorite, not only because of the illustration but allso how the text elements played off of it. The “Subscription Confirmed” is in the center of the page which draws the eye there and the color is the same as the checkmark in the illustration tieing it nicely in to the desing. The pink button was unclear if people liked it and it was suggested to try the yellow of the illustration as well.

