#6: Countdown Timer and Schedule

Sophie Lowen
UI Weekly Challenge
3 min readMar 13, 2021

This week I was challenged with the prompt of countdown timer and schedule. The hardest part of these two prompts was how few elements the countdown timer has and how to make the designs not feel flat. The most helpful piece of advice I got this week after creating my designs was the concept of floating objects and how to avoid that, everything should be visually anchored.

I am really proud of my different schedules that I made this week. I think I came up with some really interesting solutions to this prompt.

Countdown timer designs


The favorite design was the glass design because of the fact that the background anchored the foreground. We also decided that it makes the most sense for the pause button to be on the right and the stop to be on the left. The Geo display of the time was the seen as the clearest in the directness of the amount of time since the mins and seconds are labeled clearly. The mono design’s yellow circle at the bottom wasn’t liked.

Schedule designs


In general the mono and geo designs were liked the most. The mono design was seen as “the everyman’s solution” since it is simple, clean and it mimics the pull off calendar when displaying the top. The containers for the information was also clean and useful in displaying information. The Geo design was well liked because of how intersting a vertical display of dates is as well as how the timeline of appointments was clear on start an end time and was also in a vertical fashion. Compared to the other two the glass design was seen as flat since there wasn’t that much differentiation between appointments and it could get crowded and hard to read with more than 3 events.

