#8: Video player and Todo list

Sophie Lowen
UI Weekly Challenge
2 min readMar 29, 2021

This week felt like a challenge in information heirarchy. The video player was fun but when I went to try to make different designs I felt like my geo design didn’t end up being good because I ran out of ideas. The Todo list was a challenge figuring out where to put all the different elements. The critique was helpful and I learned a lot. Here are my designs:

Video Player


The favorite for this week was split between the Glass design and the Mono design. The cons of the Glass design was that the icons covered the image however the are nice and large so easy to choose. The Mono design was liked because of the simplicity and how the picture was the focus. However, the mono time bar could be shortened to improve the design so the icons can be larger.


The Todo list that was seen as the most functional was the glass design because it is clear how it would work in three different states of the amount of items: empty, normal and extreme. However the checkmark and the done state of the geo one was well liked. The simpleness and cleaness of Geo was appreciated. Ideally the two, geo and glass, could combine and make a new design since Glass is lacking a lot of white space and the colors make it feel really busy.

I learned here that simple is more but it still needs to be functional.

