Most of us pass our entire life searching for this magic lamp and the Genie who can help us make better designs! It is not easy to find one, but I may have…

Surja Sen Das Raj


There is no saying yet that goes ‘Don’t just be a designer, be a good one!’, but I say it anyway.

Most of us pass our entire life searching for this magic lamp and the Genie who can help us make better designs! It is not easy to find one, but I may have.

I’m about to share a few things about my Magic lamp and my Design Genie who helped me secretly make better designs!

The most frequent question people ask me is about maintaining the visualized design structure from the beginning to the end of the design work. The beginner designers often struggle or fail to implement their visualization into reality. As a result, the number of unfinished and dissatisfying design projects keeps increasing. And on numerous occasions, we end up being in frustration.

One of the primary reasons behind this problem is the lacking of a straight work plan. We often start working on a design depending on our imagination. But it is important we make a sketch of the design right before starting working on it. Just like a perfect human body what always needs a fixed bone structure. The images, colours, and icons should be selected previously to avoid the diversion of focus while working on the design.

We often visit a lot of design websites like Dribble, Behance, Uplabs etc. Generally, we focus on the visual and colour of a design instead of questioning ourselves about the specific parts that made us love the design.

Is it the header or is it the footer? Did you notice?

There is a very good solution to this problem. Maintaining a few basic things you can get yourself out of this problem. You can make a few folders on your pc naming Web Header, Web Footer, App login, App graphs etc. Whenever you surf designs, you want to take screenshots of the styles you like most. You will take screenshots and store them in different folders.

In a month or two, there will be a Genie waiting for you in those folders!

There you will have a rich collection of different styles. Now, while working if you ever get stuck with any style, you can take help from those folders.

Suppose you are stuck with a header part, you open the Header folder and have a look at all the header screenshots. Definitely, something new will come into your mind. If something new doesn’t, still you can customize any of the styles from there and use for yourself.

From the beginning, I followed this technic and it served me the best. When working on versatile things like service design, client requirement, portfolio improvement etc. you need to have different ideas about the different styles. In general, you can't keep everything memorized.

This technique will also save a few memory banks inside your brain!

Designing is all about passion and patience. You need to have a strong focus on the work you are doing. It’s very easy to get frustrated in this creative profession but one thing to keep always in mind that you can not give up.

Never give up.

Always keep pushing yourself to newer limits.

Happy Designing!

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Connect with me on Dribbble, Behance and Linkedin.

