Solving A Design Problem for Airtm

Surja Sen Das Raj
Published in
6 min readOct 15, 2019

Design Problem

Imagine Airtm were to add a prepaid virtual debit card functionality to give users access to spending the funds on their Airtm account anywhere that Visa or Mastercard is accepted online. Please create a view of the place where you access your card information. Please include the following functionalities:

Buy card, Fund card, Card Balance, Cancel or block a card, Transaction history, Transaction details and Anything else you think is missing or you would like to give users access to.

Problems I found: (user point of view, business point of view and technical point of view)

  1. How a new user will understand the process of order/buy a debit card from Airtm?
  2. If I already have an account in Airtm then what is the information that may need to buy/order the debit card?
  3. What if the debit card is not available in any user’s country?
  4. How the user can track the card before getting it in hand?
  5. After getting the card how a user can add funds in the debit card?
  6. What currency a user can add in his debit card?
  7. If he has USD, GBP and EUR in his Airtm Account then how he can convert them and then add funds into his debit card.
  8. How he can see what are the charges can add while using this card in different countries?
  9. How he can see his current balance? & What if the balance is 0 then as a business point of view how can I push the user to add funds in his debit card or keep active the debit card?
  10. How he can cancel/block the debit card? From a business point of view how we can offer this user to order/buy another/renew current debit card after the card block.
  11. How easily he can see the transaction history with all details. From a business point of view how we can show the current balance and debit card balance together on the same screens. It may help the user to think to add money in his account or debit card.
  12. In transaction details how can I show the payment transferring process and currency convert, each single fee details and how he can download a simple statement/invoice from my details.

My Usual work process:

Airtm Debit Card User journey:

What if the debit card is not available in any user’s country?

This is an important state for the user. There could a case where Airtm Debit card may not be available. In that case, the user can see this message and also user can add on the waitlist so that the user could get a notification from the Airtm that the Debit card is available or not.

What if the new user just log in via google and click to debit card sidebar?

Think about it. A user who just logged in via google or anything then he clicks on the debit card option then what should he see. In my opinion, the system doesn’t have much information about this user for verification. So if the user will click on the debit card option then the system will ask for which purpose he wants to order this card. It could be a Personal case or Business purpose. If it is a personal case then the system will ask some of the information and will verify the user for order card via phone verification. You may be thinking now if I verify the user only the phone number then how it could be safe for Airtm? If the user will do any bad activity then how we can recognize that user.

Stay cool. Here is the solution. We are not giving him permission to order any card before verifying his own profile. Users can order for the debit card but it will be released after verifying his own profile via passport/driving license/National ID Card etc.

What if the existing user will order a debit card?

For existing users I made it so simple and breakdown the steps in 5 parts, delivery details, details check, add funs, add the fund payment methods, single payment terms and success. The most important part here is adding funds while ordering a debit card. Because as a business point of view the user who needs this card for him daily use he will add funds definitely. And also it’s also a great way to one kind of verification through the payment process. Users can track their card status after ordering the Airtm debit card. The system will show the card status on the home page, email and messages.

How a user can add funds into Airtm Debit Card?

How easily he can see the transaction history with all details?

Users can see the current balance and debit card balance together on the same screens. It may help the user to think to add money in his account or debit card. On transaction history, I made it so easy to use for the user and if the user clicks on a single transaction history then he can see a short details of his transactions and at the same time he can repeat the transfer & see the details transaction story.

What are things I can see on my cards option?

I made it very simple for all of the users can see the card balance and card transaction history. They can add funds and block cards also from this page.

Trigger points & Improvements:

  1. If the current fund is 0 in a debit card — add funds actions need to add
  2. In transaction history — An action needs to repeat the transfer
  3. The debit card is not available in your country — Can make a waiting list / Wishlist so that we can keep updating that user about the cards
  4. While adding money in the Airtm debit card we may add an action point where we can show, hey you are now adding $100 USD and it charges $2 but id you add $150 we will charge only $.05 then min 30–40% of user will definitely add $150 instead of $100 to save the money.

Others points & Ideas:

  1. Push notifications to add funds to the user after the debit card balance closed to 0.
  2. Maybe we can create a facilities for the verified user where they can add max $5 while using debit card (for example: while purchasing from Airtm Debit card I may need $12 but I added only $10 into my debit card then Airtm can help the user to add extra $2 but this $2 will work while he will purchase using this card)
  3. Debit card style customization
  4. Scheduling fund request

Happy Designing

Thank you so much.

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