What is digital democracy?

James Galley
UK Politics
Published in
1 min readNov 1, 2014


“Digital democracy” is one of those buzz-phrases going around at the moment. But what does it actually mean, and what do young people want from digital technology?

I spoke to students and academics to find out the ways in which they think modern technology can be used to engage more people in the political process.


As you can see there is a strong appetite for changes to our political system.

From speaking to young people it seems there are three things they want most:

  1. Education
    Young people want to be better educated from a young age about how the political system works, about how they can influence it, and ways they can get actively involved.
  2. Information
    While there are large amounts of political information online you often have to know where to look. Young people want better access to non-partisan political information in the form of an app/website which is easy to navigate, even for non-political experts.
  3. Reform
    As well as being educated and informed, young people want to feel as though their vote actually makes a difference, and for many the only real way to achieve that is through political and constitutional reform of our political system.

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