One Product Pitch, Multiple Audiences

[The third Lesson has arrived, now with the audience participation feature!]

Maria Aprillia Devira
UKM Heroes
4 min readOct 10, 2019


Say that you have a good product or idea, how would you relay your product to your users? The answer to that would be to make a Product Pitch. This is one of the business techniques that would help to try persuade users, with a planned strategy of product presentation that is designed to help sell the product to the users. It would be hard to make a convincing deal if you have an awful product pitch. The key to successfully pitch a new product is to stand out and be clear and concise.


How do you pitch a product?

What makes a good product pitch? The two most important part of a good product pitch is to emphasize on the current state of the product and to familiarize yourself with the target audience of the product pitch. These are some of the things you would need to consider while creating a product pitching:

  1. Before you can start anything, make sure that your product pitch has an objective. Your product pitch should include information about the value of your product, what the user would benefit from after they agree to the product and what else they would need to do after accepting the product.
  2. Focus on what your audience care about. Nothing can sway people more as much as something that they care and are interested about. Most users would first contemplate on what kind of benefits the product would give them, so making sure that your product feel like it is an asset to them would make the users more interested and care about the product.
  3. Build a good story line around your pitch. People would feel more engaged with the pitch if there was a story built around it. A story line that demonstrates how your product can change the users career, one that shows the user how they can get from their current point to another, can captivate the users on your product.

Now that you know what to consider during the production process, how do you create a pitch that would mesmerize instead of drowse?

  • Keep your introduction short. The audiences do not need to know the long history of your team and its achievements or how the idea of the product came to be in a dream. An introduction should only include a brief summary of who you are and what you are trying to do in the pitch. Any longer in the introduction and your audience would sooner bore themselves and start to snore.
  • Be confident when giving your product pitch. Buyers would be more invested in the product if the one selling it is confident in their own product. No one would want a product in which even the ones making it aren’t confident in them. Avoid any kind of word that arouse doubt and show belief in your product. Use phrases such as ‘it will’ instead of ‘i hope’ to assert the dominance of your product.
  • Sell your product on its value, not how much it costs to make. To the audiences a products value is first and foremost the most important thing in a product. Focusing on the value of the product rather than its price would interest the audiences more on your product. No one would want to buy a cheap, let alone an expensive, product without knowing anything about its quality and value.
  • Always back up your product. Audiences would always want to know whether you firmly stand behind your product in both a value and technical sense. The end goal is not just to sell, but to create a mass of loyal customers and you get there by exceeding your customers expectations on your product and from there your customers can’t help but come back to you again and again. Assure the customer that they would not be in a loss and would not be left to their own devices if any problems sprung about.
  • Make sure any real problems get real solutions. Go further and beyond to make sure any kind of problems would have a solution tacked to them. Show the potential customers your problem solving skills. If there are no problems, then there would not need to be a solution.
  • Anticipate any problems going down the line. Not all products are perfect. Try to go ahead and predict what kind of qualms the potential customers might have and address them proactively. This can help avoid any kind of dissatisfaction that might happen in the future.

Although this does not guarantee a perfect product pitch, it would most certainly help make one close enough to perfection depending on the writer. Always remember to listen to potential customers, listening can help you decide whether or not the product pitch would take off. Listening also helps you address any kind of unidentified concerns or any new ones that would come up during the process. The denouement would decide whether or not you have created the right product for your target audience.

Another lesson has gone by, and I would hope that this would be quite informative. I shall see you when the next lesson comes up, so for now I bid you all adiós amigos!


