UKM Heroes
Published in
4 min readOct 4, 2019

Persona is fictional characters, which you create in order to represent or symbolize different types of users. Creating personas will help you to understand your users’ needs, experiences, behaviors and goals. Creating personas can help you step out of yourself. It can help you to recognize that different people have different needs and expectations, and it can also help you to identify with the user you’re designing for. Personas make the design task at hand less complex, they guide your ideation processes, and they can help you to achieve the goal of creating a good user experience for your target user group.

Even though the character in the Persona is fictional, we need to make it feels as real as possible. We have to really understand what they are here for.


Pemilik Usaha Warung

We did these steps when we created the persona;

  1. Collect Data. We have a face-to-face session with our product owner, Mrs. Dewi to clarify the website’s goals and standard users.
  2. Create a Temporary Persona. After we have the data, we are making the temporary persona that we will propose to other team members and the Scrum Master.
  3. Present. We then present and propose the persona into the group.
  4. Validations. After we discuss the Persona, we fix it and revising it
  5. Making Scenario. After we have the numbers of valid persona, we start to make the scenario or story for them to engage with the real problem that our group will have.
  6. Launch the Persona. We are now initiate our project with the persona as our basis

On making the personas, we don’t have to make it as detailed as possible. instead, we need to reach users in general for every type of each Persona.

In our project, we can group our users into three main category;

UKM Owner Persona


UKM Owner has very wide variety. We can have them categorized in the UKM Type, whether it is Micro, Small, and Medium. We can also list them as what they are selling or offers, from foods to transportation.

In this persona, we are compressing the wide variety of UKM Owners into one Persona that we think can covers all the subtypes of the UKM Owner

But, in the Usability Testing yesterday, i learned that we haven’t actually listed all the subtypes of UKM Owners. We also realized that they came from different education background so it’s not fair to judge that they have the same skills on using the websites. This relates to the Validations in the persona up there. We will change the Persona a bit to suit more users.

Student Persona


Why exists student here? Because now the term “Startup” has gained popularity as they are know popping up everywhere. Some of the students would like to join them to gain experiences as a fresh graduate and grow together with the startup. What about the other students? They simply make their own startups. For those who wants to create a startups, they need to know the basics knowledge of making a startup. The licensing, registering their startup to the government, and to get initial funds to start their business. This encourage them to join and browse through the UKM Indonesia with the proof that the second largest users of UKM Indonesia being in the age range of 20–30.

CSR Persona


The CSR plays a huge role in our UKM Indonesia. The CSR has the responsibility to control and handle their company’s effects on their surroundings including the society. We might heard a lot of program or workshop being sponsored by big company like Gojek, Tokopedia, BCA, and etc. The program could be anything, it can be funding, workshops, trainings, and many more. But they also have difficulties sometimes to find a place where they promote or put their program so that they can reach out more potential participant. In UKM Indonesia, we have “Program dan Pendanaan” section where they can advertise or promote their program.

In conclusion, the existence of Persona is again crucial to have. As it ease you in further development and also give a clearer view on what the product should have in order to get more users. The persona may not be perfect. We can miss a detail or whatsoever in our Persona but with having a Usability Testing to support them, we can know whether we are making the right product for our users or not.

That’s all from me, Thanks for reading !!

Wahyu Ananda Duli Tokan

