1-Apr: HELP FOR KHERSON (it’s not just about us) #Divi4Ukraine

1 April 2022

A cool story about how stars align and how Roger Scott helped to facilitate sponsorships beyond our fundraising network, to support communities trapped inside war-torn, Russian-occupied Kherson…

Image sourced from ‘Russia claims control of southern Ukrainian city of Kherson’ (Aljazeera.com)

Roger Scott writes (edited):

Kherson in ruins

The southern Ukrainian city of Kherson is one of the only cities Russia has actually managed to properly occupy during the war. The situation there is difficult in terms of supplies and food. There are no real humanitarian corridors in or out of the city. Without supply lines, people are relying on local farmers for food.

The only food source available to people in Kherson is that sourced from local farmers.

Once again, our good mate Anton came to us with an idea to help the people of Kherson — who are literally stuck behind enemy lines. His school mate, Misha (a native of Lviv) had been visiting his wife’s family in Kherson with his own family when the war started, and unfortunately got stuck there.

Misha is able to feed himself and his family, however certain intuitions are really struggling. One such institution is the Kherson District Children’s Hospital, treating people wounded during the invasion of their city. Misha managed to supply them with ample goods on whatever money he could get together from people in Kherson. But the situation got the point where he needed to reach out for help…

And who better to contact than Anton, who — with the support of many such as Roger, Dan and our fundraising efforts — has been the source of a great many successful endeavours like this... Our team were super keen to support Misha and Anton with this cause, and we brainstormed an idea to provide Misha with an ongoing stipend of a few hundred dollars per week for spending on local farm produce and whatever other essentials he can get his hands on for donation to the Kherson District Children’s Hospital…

Cool huh? We felt pretty good about it all!


Simultaneously, via our networks, media promotion of this Davaj Ukraine blog and the Chuffed.org fundraiser, Roger became aware of a cryptocurrency community called Divi, headed by an American — Ryan. Ryan had produced some Divi coins quite some time ago, and recently decided to update the physical versions and sell them to interested parties.

With everything going on in Ukraine, Ryan wanted to use the proceeds of these sales towards helping Ukrainian People. The crypto community agreed, and they set about finding a worthy humanitarian cause with boots on the ground.

Ryan is now leading the #Divi4Ukraine project.

For more information see Ryan’s blog posts about #Divi4Ukraine.

Image sourced from Ryan’s blog: Divi4Ukraine Update #1: 3/22/22

Bringing it all together

When Roger heard from Ryan, he immediately checked in with the team in Poland and Australia, to see if we could receive #Divi4Ukraine funding, but unfortunately, we have no way of accepting cryptocurrency.

In a fantastic twist of fate — Misha told Roger he would be able to accept payments in crypto, and the stars had officially aligned! Roger set about putting all the relevant parties in touch with each other and facilitating a $400-$500 regular weekly payment from #Divi4Ukraine.

What’s really cool — and kind of strange — is that all of these interactions between Anton, Misha, Roger and Roger/Ryan, all happened within hours of each other on the same day (serendipitous, huh?)

So, the first sponsorship amount was sent by Ryan and team on 30th of March 2022, and the first load of goods (mainly butter, pasta and beetroot) was delivered by Misha to the happy staff at the hospital.

Supplies provided to the Kherson District Children’s Hospital suppled by Misha and purchased with funds donated by #Divi4Ukraine (facilitated by Roger Scott and his mate, Anton). Faces redacted at Misha’s request.

Ryan will continue sending weekly donations for a few more weeks, until the situation changes.

We wish the people of Kherson all the best — stay strong! We are glad you have people like Misha there on the ground!

Massive thanks to Ryan and the #Divi4Ukraine community for their generosity, and for reaching out to use.

Keep an eye on Ryan’s blog posts about #Divi4Ukraine for more updates.

Thanks also to Misha, Anton and Roger for their endless efforts to make a difference.

Community helping community, we love this so much!

If you want to be part of activities like this, please consider donating and sharing our story, buying some Divi coin or donating directly to the crypto wallets outlined in this #Divi4Ukraine blog post.

DONATE & SHARE: bit.ly/ukraine-warsaw

We can’t do cool stuff like this without you!




Ukraine Refugee Relief
Davaj Ukraine | Ukraine Deluge Blog

A team of Aussie friends supporting mates helping Ukrainians to get safely to Poland and supplies on the ground: bit.ly/ukraine-warsaw