So we thought we’d share some stories others are telling about what we’ve been up to (scroll down for media coverage)… But first, some exciting news:

$125,000+ raised so far!

Massive thanks to our legend donors! We had no idea this would become so big. It’s astounding. Really. We’ve raised our target to $150,000 so we can keep expanding — but we need your help to get there!

How you can help

Nudge your family, friends, workmates, Uber driver, dog walker, Tinder date, your podiatrist, and your rich Auntie’s friends to dig deep and donate if they’re into what we’re up to (and have capacity to help)!


Our mate, Pat, put together this short promo video (1 min) to help spread the word:


Our story is resonating, and we understand why. The World is horrified — as as we are — at the devastation in Ukraine. We all feel powerless. It feels good to see some positivity and to be a small part of the solution. You can too, by donating and sharing our story.

Media links from newest to oldest:

1-Apr — Today | Channel 9: ‘Australians helping Ukrainians escape Russian invasion’

6 min on-air interview with Dan Rusty & Lachlan Campbell

Read more about Lachlan Campbell’s efforts to rescue animals in Ukraine here.

31-Mar — Hit Network (Fox FM)| Carrie & Tommy: ‘Rusty in the Ukraine’

— 7 min on-air interview with Dan (Carrie Bickmore & Tommy Little)

30-Mar — 3AW | Breakfast with Ross & Russell: ‘Melbourne man’s brave effort to help Ukrainians escape to safety’

— 4 min on-air interview with Dan (Ross Stevenson & Russell Howcroft)

28-Mar — Today | 9 Now: ‘Aussie mates helping Ukrainians to safety’

— blog article | 3 min story & interview with Dan (Carrie-Anne Greenbank)

26-Mar — A Current Affair | Channel 9:

’Aussie boots on the ground helping Ukrainians escape through border — blog article | 6 min story & interview with Dan (Gavin Alder)

‘Good Samaritans (full ACA episode aired 26-Mar-22 — link expires 2-Apr)

20-Mar — TV REPBLIK | THERE’S A WILL: ‘Ukrainian cries help us as 25% of the population crosses the border

— insightful panel discussion hosted by Will Richardsson (47 mins)

TV REPUBLIK (Poland) - Will Richardsson investigates the emotions of war and the practicalities of relief efforts — not to mention the danger — as studio guests discuss their personal connections to the Ukraine War (with Dan Rusty, Joseph Stec, Miriam Shaded &Harold von Kursk).

19-Mar — ‘Worse than worst nightmare: The Aussie mates helping Ukrainian refugees flee to safety in Poland’

— news article (Jorge Branco)

Pictured: Roger (left) & Dan (right) on their first mission together into Ukraine — where they successfully delivered a 200kg (10kW) diesel generator to provide power for the Ukrainian Territorial Defense Forces in the field.

11-Mar — ABC NEWS: ‘We walked into absolute bedlam: Chain of volunteers proving a lifeline for refugees seeking to escape Russia’s war on Ukraine’

— news article (Iris Zhao, Mietta Adams, Will Jackson & Benay Ozdemir)

Pictured: Dan (back left), Roger (right) and the family they helped relocate to Germany after a 13 hour wait to cross the border into Poland.

11-Mar — ABC Radio National | RN Drive: ‘Two Aussies and one van in Ukraine’

— 10 min interview with Roger (starts at 14min 15sec)

Instagram story about Roger & Rusty (@abc_radionational & @abcnews_au)

9-Mar — ABC NEWS | Ukraine-Russia war updates: ‘Felt useless on the couch: Australian in Poland crosses into Ukraine to help refugees’

— blog article (Nicholas McElroy)

Pictured: Dan (right) and his partners’ cousin and baby picked up from Lviv, and their husband/father who was forced to stayed behind (adult men cannot leave without an exemption).

Stay tuned for more!

Be part of the solution by donating & sharing.

We‘ll do the grunt work if you can help out!

Thanks, legends.




Ukraine Refugee Relief
Davaj Ukraine | Ukraine Deluge Blog

A team of Aussie friends supporting mates helping Ukrainians to get safely to Poland and supplies on the ground: