War in Ukraine, Day 19 — Latest Videos and Updates

Putin is admitting military defeat by continuing a terror bombing campaign against Ukrainian cities. Mariupol has been fully surrounded and cut off for over 10 days, but Ukrainian defenders are holding strong.

Balancing Act
Ukraine Diaries
Published in
2 min readMar 15, 2022


Ukrainian soldiers rest on top of a captured Russian artillery system, via Telegram

Estimates of Russian military casualties exceeded 12,000. Together with wounded and captured soldiers, total number of disabled Russian troops reached over 40,000 according to the Ukrainian authorities. 1,638 tanks and armored troop transports have also been destroyed.

Estimates of Russian losses, Ukrainian Ministry of Defense via Ykrayinska Pravda

Under a barrage of unprecedented Western sanctions and reeling from devastating military setbacks in Ukraine, putin had to beg China for help including military food rations and financial support, so far without success.

Destroyed Russian tanks in Ukraine

Heavy Ukrainian missile fire

A Russian TV producer protested against the war in Ukraine on live air of Russia’s most popular state propaganda broadcast.

Ukrainian farmers help capture Russian armored vehicles.

Drone footage of a Ukrainian ambush of a Russian armored column.

More captured Russian military equipment.

Support Ukraine by donating to the Save Life Foundation and Doctors Without Borders

Andrew J.Kurbiko, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

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Ukraine is Winning the Battle for Freedom



Balancing Act
Ukraine Diaries

Ukrainian-American, aspiring optimist and satirist, self-proclaimed amateur philosopher, anti anti-everything, arts and sciences enthusiast.