Astronaut Scott Kelly’s Essential Mission on Earth: Ambulance Aid for Ukraine.

At The Break Of Day
Ukraine-Heart Beat
Published in
2 min readMar 14, 2023
Zoom Call. From upper-left to right, clockwise: Astronaut Scott Kelly, Josh Hammond (At The Break Of Day), Libby Freeman, Chris Snow, Boz Zashev. Off screen, upper-left, Lynn McCormick.

There is a reason why the four of us are so intent in this Zoom meeting: Scott Kelly is talking. Sure, he’s an Astronaut, but he is also a practical, down-to-earth guy, with a big heart for the people of Ukraine. Some of his best friends are Ukrainian. President Zelenskyy has designated him an Ambassador for United24. He is a down-to-earth people guy. He has zero tolerance for the madness that Russia is unleashing on Ukraine.

We are thrilled to help him complete his mission in Ukraine. We are Ukraine-Heart. Here is who we are:

Boz Zashev, Bulgarian, Co-founder and Publisher
Chris Snow, Austrian, Director and Editor
Libby Freeman, American, Director of Communications
Josh Hammond, American, Co-founder and Project Coordinator
Julia Korsunka, Ukrainian, Director of Community Relations
Svetoslav Todev, Bulgarian, Contributor, Brand Identity Designer,
and many more who are joining.

Of our effort, Scott Kelly said: We are so close to finishing this urgent mission for Ukraine with this volunteer group of writers on Medium, Ukraine-heart, will provide a timely boost to see us finish what we started, and then continue with whatever else is needed next to ensure Ukraine’s survival as a free nation.

Help us help him help President Zelenskyy help Ukraine and free the world of this madness and rescue and rebuild the communities and country of Ukraine. Donate Now.

Josh Hammond, on behalf of WhiskyMoods, Project Coordinator for Ukraine-Heart.



At The Break Of Day
Ukraine-Heart Beat

Josh Hammond. Scribendo cogito, Latin for, I think by writing. Published author. Life-time of public service, from the White House to "Wall Street".