I Am the First Ukrainian in Someone’s Life

Launching Ukraine-Heart Beat Publication on Medium.

Julia Korsunska
Ukraine-Heart Beat
3 min readMay 1, 2023


The picture is generated by DALL-E. Do you see the colours of the Ukrainian flag here?

Friday. Bar. Stand-up show. Alcohol. Tram station. Full of normal-life emotions, I was making my way back home. As it usually happens on Friday nights, small talk suddenly appeared with the lady I randomly met at the station.

“Where are you from?” she asked me.

“Oh, I’m from Ukraine!” I answered proudly.

“Wow! That’s so far… You’re the first person from Ukraine I’ve ever met! The first one!” the lady exclaimed in excitement as if I were Lady Gaga.

Oops, seems I have taken someone’s Ukrainian virginity.

What does this life look like? Without endless news feeds reporting the numbers of the best souls that had forever gone. Without the fear of seeing your loved ones listed among them. Without the guilt of not doing enough to help. Without war.

Such life might be beautiful. Yet so many people fail to realise it while having the benefit of peace. I used to have this too. So did the lady I met. However, something changed in her eyes. An excitement of expanding her personal bounds with something exotic gradually transited into fear.

“It must be very stressful to be here,” she added after a long pause, perhaps struggling to know what to say next.

“Yeah, it can be,” I said, “but I have a warm welcome! I’m grateful for that.”

My tram arrived; we said our goodbyes.

From that moment on, my random acquaintance would carry a tiny piece of Ukraine I managed to share with her in such a short period of time. A barely notable horror. A mental picture of a drunk girl laughing far from her home.

Despite the negative emotions and awkwardness — I am sorry for such an abrupt intrusion into one’s peace — I couldn’t help feeling that our world had become one person more united. The Ukrainian Heart is now bigger; its beat is louder; the victory is closer.

Welcome to the Ukraine-Heart Beat publication! This is the corner on the Internet where our hearts resonate for a common goal — supporting Ukraine in fighting, surviving and rebuilding during and after the illegal Russian invasion.

We are a team of Digital Samaritans who believe that we can make a change. (Learn more about us in the About section.) We will be sharing our stories of witnessing the horrors of the Russo-Ukrainian war unfold and living through it. There are many ways and opportunities to help Ukraine and join us in our efforts. Our first success is accomplished — we helped to raise funds for 6 ambulances in support of Scott Kelly’s project supported by United24. And now we are ready to do more.

Follow us to stay updated on our next initiatives and you may take this opportunity to make an impact too, whether I am the first Ukrainian in your life or not. We want the beat of Ukrainian hearts to be heard whole over the world. You can make this dream real.



Julia Korsunska
Ukraine-Heart Beat

Former Software Dev | Sociology student | Ukrainian. Writing about war, life, books and society. Based in Kraków, Poland @thejuliakors