United 24 announces the delivery of another ambulance for Ukraine

This is proof that small steps can and will make a difference and may alter the outcome. Ukraine’s suffering could have been prevented. Now, we have at least the obligation to help as best we can to mitigate it.

Chris Snow
Ukraine-Heart Beat
3 min readMar 23, 2023


This is really just a very quick update to show you out there that your donations and your engagement can make a difference and will make a difference.

One of the ambulances from the inside

Here is the message from United 24 in full:

Hello, incredible UNITED24 donors! My name is Tetyana. I have been a paramedic for over 35 years, and now I am working in one of the most dangerous regions of Ukraine, the Donetsk Oblast.

My daily tasks include blood transfusions, rescuing people with shrapnel wounds, and even amputations.

We recently received an ambulance which was bought thanks to your donations via UNITED24. This is a great new reanimobile that is equipped with everything we need to save lives.

With its help we have saved a woman in Donetsk Oblast. Her leg had been severed from her body during a russian shelling as she was going about her daily business.

We didn’t have much time. The woman was in a state of shock. The local volunteers took her to us. Eventually, we transferred her into the ambulance, stabilized her and drove her to the nearest hospital 4 hours away in Dnipro.

Recently I got a call from this woman She survived, got a prosthetic limb, and now she is learning to live on».

This rescue was made possible thanks to your contributions to the ambulance. Ukrainian medical workers need thousands of reanimobiles like this, please support our cosmic ambassador fundraiser. Only $20 000 left to close this fundraiser: donorbox.org/scottkelly

These will also be sent to help evacuate the wounded and evacuate them.

I want to thank the entire community here on Medium to support Ukraine-Heart in their effort to support this project. Your contributions and engagement make a difference. First of all, to me and my team, to Ukraine and eventually these acts of human decency, will make a difference in the grander scheme of events. Love is always a force to be reckoned with.

I am happy to see these ambulances being delivered to where they are needed and the final goal of Mr. Kelly is oh so close by now. Thank you all again for your kind support, and I will keep you posted and updated. Take care and have a wonderful day. Thank you for taking the time to read the update on Ukraine-Heart and its initiative to support Scott Kelly in his effort to raise ambulances for Ukraine.

Astronaut Scott Kelly, four-times Commander of the International Space Program, has endorsed.

Ukraine-Heart. We are an online initiative, of Medium writers and others, to help Scott Kelly complete his mission on earth to raise money for ambulances for Ukraine. When he reaches the commitment he made to President Zelensky, Ukraine-Heart will continue to support and promote these initiatives. Donate Now



Chris Snow
Ukraine-Heart Beat

30+ year old History Professor and educator. MA in Business Ethics and Modern European History. History has much to teach, but it doesn't find enough students.