註冊AVALANCHE 錢包 \\ Creating Avalanche Wallet

DECENT和HumanityToken 選擇 Avalanche Wallet (AVAX 雪崩錢包) 作為此慈善項目使用錢包。Avalanche 是Avalanche區塊鏈上的加密貨幣網路錢包。它使用能夠去中心化應用程式(DApps)的Avalanche(雪崩鏈)生態。

Avalanche錢包有三種地址類型:交易鏈(X-Chain),合約鏈(C-Chain) 以及平台鏈 (P-Chain)。



1. 前往Avalanche錢包官方網站,按下[建立新錢包]。在開始之前,為避免誤入詐騙網站,請確保您使用的是官方網址。

2. 按下[產生關鍵片語],以顯示關鍵片語。



4. 系統會要求您重複輸入關鍵片語中的某些單詞,用來確保您已經正確備份。輸入畫面中缺少的關鍵詞,然後按下[驗證]。

5.現在您的Avalanche錢包已經準備好了。按下 [存取錢包],即可前往您的錢包。

如欲從您的錢包接收Avalanche NFT ,請按照此連結(連結)中的教學步驟操作。

DECENT and HumanityToken have chosen Avalanche Wallet for this charity project. Avalanche is a cryptocurrency web wallet on the Avalanche blockchain. It enables users to tap into the Avalanche ecosystem of decentralized applications (DApps).

An Avalanche Wallet has three types of addresses: X-Chain, C-Chain, and P-Chain. You can store cryptocurrencies on any of the three chains to serve different purposes. We will be focusing on the X-Chain, which is mainly used for storing assets such as NFT.

Here is how you can create an Avalanche wallet needed, before you can receive and view your NFT :

1. Go to the official Avalanche Wallet website at https://wallet.avax.network/ and click [Create New Wallet]. Beware of fake websites created by scammers. Make sure you’re on the official URL before you start.

2. Click [Generate Key Phrase] to reveal the key phrase.

3. You’ll see 24 words on the screen. This is your wallet’s key phrase (or seed phrase). If you lose the key phrase, you won’t be able to access your wallet. There is no way to recover a lost key phrase.

Write the 24 words down in the exact order and check the box. You should always keep your key phrase in a few secure offline location and never share it with anyone. Click [Access Wallet] to continue.

4. The system will ask you to repeat certain words from the key phrase to ensure that you’ve backed it up correctly. Enter the missing words from your seed phrase and click [Verify].

5. Your Avalanche Wallet is now ready. Click [Access Wallet] to go to your wallet.

To receive Avalanche NFT in your wallet, follow the next tutorial in this link (Link)

Please fill this form after making your donation and making your free Avalanche Wallet: https://forms.gle/3XR2LQjDoMfD3F2d8


To learn more about how to set up your wallet follow this link: https://bit.ly/3ik3D2g


Here are the list of the official Taiwan Ukraine charity portals:












Neither the Slovak Representative Office, Nor DECENT(HumanityToken) or its partners or brands will, or have processed any donations, funds or payments for the purpose of this charity.
Please follow guidelines and donate only to the official Taiwanese charity portals.
Neither the Slovak Representative Office, Nor DECENT(HumanityToken) will be held responsible for any loss of funds pertaining to the engagement with this campaign.

Both the Slovak Representative Office and DECENT(HumanityToken) would like to share this campaign with donors and spread the story of Maria in a fully non-profit way and for humanitarian causes.

These NFTs are created for the sole purposes of the Ukraine crisis awareness, without any profit seeking and are handed out as non-profit gifts. Responsibility for storage and usage after donors receive the NFT are fully borne by the receiver. Please follow all the guidelines to secure and store your NFT.

Neither the Slovak Representative Office, Nor DECENT(HumanityToken) will take responsibility for the NFT and any it’s usage after the NFT has been sent. Strictly no support or assistance is available after the NFT has been sent to the receiver. These charity NFTs should not be used for any political or nefarious usages.

