關於NFT的簡介 \\ Brief Introduction to NFT


NFTs可能是有史以來最不言而喻的術語之一。Non Fungible Token,簡稱NFT,代表「非同質化代幣」,是一種透過區塊鏈與獨特資產綁定的加密貨幣。NFT可以是現實世界中資產的代幣化版本,例如畫作,也可以代表數位資產,例如聲音。它們在區塊鏈中不僅可驗證其真實性,並且提供所有權,這也讓它具有價值性。NFT不可交換,無法替代,每個NFT都是獨一無二的別具意義。



如果有人希望代表一種性質有限的資產,這會是一個非常重要的概念。你不能將一副蒙娜麗莎的畫作與另一個蒙娜麗莎互換,只有一副蒙娜麗莎的畫作是真正的。但要如何證明其真偽?可以透過使用NFT來證明。NFT可以將資產的所有權利用區塊鏈技術,例如:DCore, Ethereum 以太坊, Solana (SOL), Avalanche (雪崩) 等進行追蹤、轉移、儲存甚至編程的標識符號(代幣)融合在一起。因此一但NFT被創造出來,如果創建者決定將所有權轉讓給另一個人,那麼特定的代幣將屬於創建者以及之後擁有它的人。



What is an NFT?

NFTs are probably one of the most self-explanatory terms that have ever existed. NFT stands for: ‘Non Fungible Token’, which is a type of cryptographic token tied via the blockchain to a unique asset. NFTs can be a tokenized version of real world assets i.e paintings but can also represent assets that are purely digital i.e music. They function as verifiable proofs of authenticity and ownership within a blockchain network, hence why they can retain value. NFTs are not interchangeable with each other and introduce scarcity to the digital world.

But what is Fungibility?

Fungibility refers to the property of an asset whose individual units are interchangeable and essentially indistinguishable from each other. For example, all fiat currencies are fungible. To act as a medium of exchange, each individual unit must be interchangeable with any other equivalent individual unit. A one-dollar bill is interchangeable with any other genuine one-dollar bill.

This is an exceptionally important concept if someone wishes to represent an asset that is limited in nature. You cannot interchange a Monalisa with another Monalisa. There’s only one that is the real one, and that can be proven by using NFT. An NFT can intertwine the ownership of an asset to an identifier (a token) that can be tracked, transferred, stored or even programmed using blockchain technology (i.e DCore, Ethereum, Solana, Avalanche, etc) so once the NFT has been minted, one can prove to everyone that the specific token belongs to the creator and whoever owns it later, if the creator decides to transfer the ownership to another person.

So in conclusion, with an NFT you can create an asset that you wish to prove is unique or is in a limited supply. It can be music, drawings, video, photos, and much more. An NFT is very secure and uses blockchain technology to prove the limited availability and ownership.

There are many ways one can use NFT, which will be discussed in the next article.

Please fill this form after making your donation and making your free Avalanche Wallet: https://forms.gle/3XR2LQjDoMfD3F2d8


To learn more about how to set up your wallet follow this link: https://bit.ly/3ik3D2g


Here are the list of the official Taiwan Ukraine charity portals:












Neither the Slovak Representative Office, Nor DECENT(HumanityToken) or its partners or brands will, or have processed any donations, funds or payments for the purpose of this charity.
Please follow guidelines and donate only to the official Taiwanese charity portals.
Neither the Slovak Representative Office, Nor DECENT(HumanityToken) will be held responsible for any loss of funds pertaining to the engagement with this campaign.

Both the Slovak Representative Office and DECENT(HumanityToken) would like to share this campaign with donors and spread the story of Maria in a fully non-profit way and for humanitarian causes.

These NFTs are created for the sole purposes of the Ukraine crisis awareness, without any profit seeking and are handed out as non-profit gifts. Responsibility for storage and usage after donors receive the NFT are fully borne by the receiver. Please follow all the guidelines to secure and store your NFT.

Neither the Slovak Representative Office, Nor DECENT(HumanityToken) will take responsibility for the NFT and any it’s usage after the NFT has been sent. Strictly no support or assistance is available after the NFT has been sent to the receiver. These charity NFTs should not be used for any political or nefarious usages.

