Maria’s 故事 \\ Maria’s Story














Maria, a young, brave artist from Ukraine was approached by DECENT(HumanityToken) and the team to create a collection of drawings for Taiwanese donors, showcasing Taiwan and Slovakia’s deep solidarity to the Ukraine plight.

Today we will share her story with you. Please follow her on her instagram account and show your support:


My name is Mary, I am eighteen. I would like to try and describe to you the recent events concerning that I have experienced since the start of the war in Ukraine. I grew up and lived in Poltava just until a few weeks ago, which is approximately two hours from Kharkiv, one of the most beautiful cities that Russia destroyed. I was studying in the Academy of art in Kharkiv and also planned to live there after my studies. My dream is to become a book Illustrator and get a University degree.

However, in the past few months Russia began moving its army to our borders. People around me didn’t worry much at the start because no one could imagine that what is happening now would really happen. My father, who I am really grateful for, understood the level of danger. He didn’t allow me to visit Kharkiv in the weeks prior to the start of the war. I worried a lot about my studies, but his awareness saved me. On the 24th February my country and I were woken up at 5 am by the words “The war has begun”.

It pushed us towards a situation where your whole life fits into one suitcase. We started to flee Ukraine by crossing the river Dnipro, traveling to the west of Ukraine. Russia had already begun bombing bridges. It was a big risk because it was an “everything or nothing” situation, which we were going into and the feeling was terrible. We were reading the news all the time trying to find out the places where Russia was bombing so we would know which roads were safe to go through, yet, I cannot even compare it to my aunt’s situation and what she had to go through, as she and her family fled Kyiv, a place where the real hell had begun.

For us, we drove approximately 15 hours and then met in Vinitza. There were many scary events along the way. The next morning we were woken up by air raid alerts, but we sadly did not have any place to hide. We were leaving the city and praying. We drove all day long until we got to the Carpathian mountains.

Back at the time we felt it was the safest place in Ukraine, yet the reality was far from it. My father was doing everything to save our lives, so he finally decided to send us to Poland as he left for the army. He is my biggest hero. The trip to Poland was harder than the others we had made, because we couldn’t take a car to Poland so we were waiting 7 hours along the border to cross and the temperatures were very low. When we got to Poland, Polish people were very helpful and kind to us. They were doing everything to help us, they are truly friends of Ukraine.

Right now despite me not being in my country, my soul and my thoughts are in Ukraine and I dream about Ukraines victory. The story has not finished yet, not for me, not for my country, but I know I am very lucky and fortunate to be alive. Many of my relatives, my friends, and my classmates are still in Ukraine. My friends from Kharkiv can’t leave the city. Some of them managed to escape to other countries without their families or even the possibility to call them, as Russia has destroyed communication systems.

My teacher and his pregnant wife have lost their home, other people are hiding in basements. Russia is killing civilians and destroying hospitals, kindergartens, schools, houses, maternity hospitals and even Zoos! I believe the decision makers will be punished in the future for their actions. Ukrainians won’t surrender. It is unfortunate that Russian authorities want to currently destroy everything. Our relatives from Russia and Belarus think that it is Ukrainians who are fighting with their own people in Ukraine. These people simply do not exist. Countries that support us, we love you! I am sure Putin couldn’t imagine this kind of support from all of you. We will always remember it❤️

Learn more about Maria and her works at :


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Here are the list of the official Taiwan Ukraine charity portals:










Neither the Slovak Representative Office, Nor DECENT(HumanityToken) or its partners or brands will, or have processed any donations, funds or payments for the purpose of this charity.
Please follow guidelines and donate only to the official Taiwanese charity portals.
Neither the Slovak Representative Office, Nor DECENT(HumanityToken) will be held responsible for any loss of funds pertaining to the engagement with this campaign.

Both the Slovak Representative Office and DECENT(HumanityToken) would like to share this campaign with donors and spread the story of Maria in a fully non-profit way and for humanitarian causes.

These NFTs are created for the sole purposes of the Ukraine crisis awareness, without any profit seeking and are handed out as non-profit gifts. Responsibility for storage and usage after donors receive the NFT are fully borne by the receiver. Please follow all the guidelines to secure and store your NFT.

Neither the Slovak Representative Office, Nor DECENT(HumanityToken) will take responsibility for the NFT and any it’s usage after the NFT has been sent. Strictly no support or assistance is available after the NFT has been sent to the receiver. These charity NFTs should not be used for any political or nefarious usages.

