Announcing Ultra’s Roadmap

Find out what’s on Ultra’s roadmap for 2022 and beyond!

7 min readJan 25, 2022


During 2021, we launched the Ultra Mainnet, released the wallet-only client, announced four publishers, revealed 23 games, opened up Ultra Games to more users, and grew the team to support the dream of building a platform for games based on NFT technology.

In 2022 and beyond, we have several launches planned, more publisher and game announcements than ever before, and exclusive content coming straight to Ultra. We’ll also be shedding some light on exclusive games coming to Ultra, opening up our SDK to developers, and more.

Ultra’s roadmap for 2022 and beyond

Without further ado, let’s dive right in!

The Uniq Marketplace

Alpha version of the Uniq Marketplace

The Uniq Marketplace is the home of all the Uniqs within our ecosystem. Every digital asset on Ultra can be found here and, in turn, can be sold and bought by any Ultra player.

This app is an integral part of Ultra’s ecosystem and will pave the way for developers, artists, brands, and more to tokenize their content and share it with their communities.

The marketplace is next in line to be publicly available to all players and is currently in its second stage of alpha testing.

We’ll be sharing more updates on the marketplace and some of the Uniq drops that you can expect to see for the launch.

Ultra Games

Closed beta version of Ultra Games

Ultra Games is currently in Wave 2 of the closed beta and will be heading to Wave 3 Soon™. The next stage of the closed beta will add more players to the store and during this phase, we’ll continue to add more games for beta testers to download and play. To keep up to date with all game announcements, follow us on our gaming Twitter!

Once we’re satisfied with testing during this phase, we’ll launch Ultra Games to the public — meaning all players will have access to the app within the client. You’ll be able to purchase, download games, play them, and resell tradable ones on the Uniq Marketplace.

To be in with the chance of gaming on Ultra during the closed beta, make sure to download the platform!

The Ultra Wallet

An upcoming version of the Ultra Wallet

We launched the Ultra Wallet in mid 2021 as a way for players to store and purchase UOS directly on the platform as well as use their referral codes.

To provide more utility, we’ll be adding a set of features that will make the Ultra Wallet bigger and better than ever before.

We’ve briefly touched on this technology in the past, but in case you missed it, the Easy Blockchain Account (EBA) is a super secure system that we developed at Ultra. It allows players to generate blockchain accounts and manage the associated private keys in a fully automated, non-custodial manner. You get all of the autonomy and security of a real blockchain account without the risk and hassle (perfect for mainstream adoption ;)).

With an eye towards expanding the security footprint of our wallet and client, we’ll be adding extra functionality to the EBA solution with various methods of identity authentication and more. With each new layer of authentication, your account becomes more and more secure. Our intent is to make the Ultra Wallet the Fort Knox of the blockchain ecosystem.

In parallel to this, expanding support for non-EBA type accounts and support for Ledger’s hardware wallets is coming to Ultra. This will allow advanced users to create and manage their own blockchain accounts as they see fit, enabling them to use the highest levels of security available on the market.

We’ll also be adding extra functionality to the Ultra Wallet. In an updated version, you’ll see your Uniq Inventory. Here you’ll be able to view all the Uniqs you own, without having to go to a dedicated section in the marketplace. You’ll also see a history of all transactions relating to assets, NFTs and FTs alike, that are sent to you and received from a player.

Lastly, we’ll be making the referrals visible for players in their wallet, so that you can see how many players you’ve successfully referred and how much you’ve earned through those referrals.

Ultra Cloud

The Ultra Cloud, our software development kit (SDK)

Ultra Cloud is our robust software development kit (SDK) that allows developers to build on our blockchain. In addition to friends lists, leader boards, matchmaking, lobby creation, quest managements, and much more, Ultra Cloud will allow game and app developers to integrate Ultra’s Uniq NFT technology effortlessly in their products.

We’ll soon be opening up our SDK to developers around the world and we’ll be sharing with you the apps and dApps that will be utilizing our technology! For more information, visit

Exclusive AAA Title

With our fully-fledged games store nearing the final stages of its development, a AAA FPS will be coming to Ultra Games!

Without giving too much away, here’s a sneak peak at what to expect:

1. A free-to-play FPS game

A games distribution platform isn’t complete without an exclusive free-to-play shooter, so we’ve teamed up with an incredible studio that has years of experience developing AAA games to bring one to Ultra Games.

This play-to-earn game will be heavily developed using Ultra’s Uniq NFT technology so you can expect to see a ton of in-game assets and much more arriving to the Uniq Marketplace.

As well as that, we’re working with a studio to develop a play-to-earn sports game that will be exclusively playable on Ultra Games.

2. A sports game

The studio we’ve partnered with on developing this game is deeply interested in blockchain technology and has selected our blockchain as a key component of the game’s development. Due to the endless opportunities that Ultra’s Uniq NFT technology provides, this game will deeply integrate Uniqs.

This is an exciting time for Ultra as we’ll be deeply involved in the development and release of these games. Our involvement in these projects will help these titles encompass everything we love about blockchain gaming whilst ensuring it’s accessible to all players.

Ultra’s tournament platform

We haven’t spoken too much about this but it will play a vital role in our ecosystem’s growth.

The tournament platform will be another app within the Ultra platform that will allow players and developers around the world to easily leverage the power of our blockchain technology.

Developers will be able to take their digital assets to the next level, engage with their communities in ways they weren’t able to before, and build lively competitive scenes surrounding their games. Players will get the chance to compete in many tournaments, win big, and show off their skills.

The tournament platform will have our robust Uniq NFT standard fully integrated within it, making it the most advanced blockchain powered tournament platform out there.

We’ll be diving into the specifics in due time, so keep your eyes peeled!

Ultra mobile app

To support the Ultra platform, we’ll also be releasing a mobile app in the future.

Here’s what you’ll be able to do:

  • Create an account and log in
  • Recover your secret keys
  • View your Ultra Wallet balance
  • Transfer and receive assets
  • View transaction history
  • Browse your Uniq library
  • Buy and sell Uniqs on the marketplace

This app will evolve accordingly with the PC version as new features are added!

We hope you enjoyed our roadmap and are as excited as we are on seeing all the parts of Ultra’s ecosystem fall into place! We’d like to thank you, once again, for all your support — it truly means everything to us.

About Ultra

Ultra is the first entertainment platform providing all key games industry services under a single roof, accessible through a single login.

Built around our PC games distribution store, Ultra Games, our platform will provide access to countless centralized and decentralized services: Discover, buy, play and sell your games and in-game items, watch live-streaming feeds, interact with your favorite influencers, participate in contests, compete in tournaments, and much more.

Ultra has been built to provide endless value for players, a fair playing ground for developers, and a whole new world of opportunities for the games industry.

For more information, visit and and follow along on Twitter, YouTube, Telegram, and Discord.

