The recent community feedback has been amazingly positive and we would like to thank all of you for the support you manifested lately. Our latest video received more than 3000 views so far and has been shared very actively across all social media platforms.
That enthusiasm clearly indicates that this means of communication makes a lot of sense for the community and that’s why we’re going to continue making more videos for you.
For this Community Update #3, we have a lot of announcements to make. Our beta is getting closer and we are preparing the selection process! More on this in the below “Roadmap” section. In the following sections, we offer you many more exclusive information about our current activity and our commitments.
In light of our internal Monthly Product Review, we’ve decided to extend our closed beta and assess the next version before determining when we move into beta. This will accord us more time to ensure a great experience for you, our community testers.
Shifting our beta launch by a couple of months allows us to be closer to introducing exciting features to our first beta testers such as in-game assets tokenization or the finalized version of our wallet and gradually adding more games into the store will allow us to do better load testing and polish the purchasing flow as well.
We are still deploying our testnet with real Block Producers this fall and will update you on this topic often, starting with our next blog post that will give more details about our blockchain.
The Ultra mainnet will be connected directly to our backend so developers can fully interact with UOS Blockchain without needing to be proficient in, or even have an understanding of, the blockchain technology that runs the platform. Our mainnet will be launched just before the beta which will still happen before the end of the year.
We always expected our timelines to move slightly based on real world testing, as is typical for a new product of this size, and we’re very happy that everything is still on track in spite of the decision to remain in closed beta longer.
We hope you understand our decision and are as excited as us about the imminent beta period. We will update the website and the white paper roadmap accordingly to reflect these changes in the coming days. Buckle up, because time will pass quickly and important events are already around the corner.
We will also be announcing the selection process for our first beta-testers and we can already guarantee that some of our most active community members will get priority access!
If you want to participate in the beta as a player, you can register on the website here:
If you want to know more about the community members selection, feel free to contact Emmanuel (@Emmanuel_Ultra) on Telegram and don’t forget to follow our announcement channel on Telegram so you don’t miss any news about the beta!
Ultra is facing incredible challenges to release the most anticipated games distribution platform on the market. To efficiently tackle the technical part of our project, we are expanding our developer team. Here are two of our new team members.
Sebastian Caceres x Senior Devops
Four years as Devops consultant and cloud architect, Sebastian has been working in Operations and infrastructure since the beginning of his career.
As an independent consultant, he helped both big and small organizations to adopt the agile mindset needed for Devops, while at the same part implementing highly scalable and resilient architectures. Cloud computing, Infrastructure as Code and Automation run through his veins.
He also writes articles and has a series of webcomics regarding the Agile and Tech universe on his website.
Jérôme Leclerc x Senior Backend Developer
After 12 years in the banking industry, Jerome brings to Ultra the expertise he gained working on large-scale products for banks all around the globe.
The rigorous and methodical approach that he developed over the years is ideally suited to build a stable and efficient technology.
He joins the back-end team effort to provide the best agile and reliable PC games distribution platform.
Ultra’s objective is still to expand to 100 team members!
And that’s quite a challenge… That’s why we are looking for to open a new development office in Europe in addition to our Parisian office. Whether you are a front-end, back-end or blockchain developer, we most likely have a position open for you at Ultra.
Revolutionize the games industry with us:
As mentioned previously, the video of our storefront was well received, which encouraged us to show more about what we have under the hood. There are some limitations to this exercise, since strategic reasons (competition, patenting, etc.) prevent us from sharing some of the ideas and tools we’re working on, but we will make a point of keeping our development as transparent as possible despite the highly competitive environment we are in.
The video format is a good way to communicate on our progress, so it has been decided that we’ll make it a regular event. In this effort of transparency, we planned to provide a more detailed roadmap that will better reflect what we are focusing on, but also to share some highly technical aspects of our platform. For example, we are currently building from scratch a unique plugin that connects our platform to our blockchain. It is a highly scalable and performant piece of technology that required efforts we would like our community to be aware of.
Aside from the beta test work and the increase of updates from our side, we also want to let you know that our team really values your feedback and suggestions. For example, a quick poll on our Telegram group showed that you liked the voice of our video, so Danny will be doing the voice of the next one! We want to renew that kind of interaction and increase the engagement in the coming months.
Our recent partnership with Xangle is a concrete example of the actions we are taking to improve our transparency. If you missed it, check out our announcement!
Accurately communicating about an innovative technology without revealing any sensitive information is challenging but feasible. We want to display our commitment by starting right away and making September the month dedicated to your discovery of Ultra’s blockchain technology!
In an upcoming blog article, we will release some exclusive technical details about our blockchain and the reasons that led us to build on the EOSIO software. Following soon after, another article will unveil the names of the partners with whom we are going to launch our testnet.
Once our testnet is launched, we’ll keep you updated regularly about the performance of our network.
We also want to remind you that Nicolas (CEO), Edward Moalem (CSO), Emmanuel (CM) and more team members, are going to Korea Blockchain Week which will occur September 27 to October 4.
This Blockchain Week promises to be one of the most exciting crypto events for Ultra. First, Korea is one of the best places in the world when it comes to esports and gaming. Second, when it’s about Blockchain, Ultra will be like a fish in the water, and we are currently working to organize a meetup there, so stay tuned!
If you are interested in talking with our team, would like a sneak peek of the closed beta or simply want to learn more about the Ultra platform in Seoul, notify us by sending a mail to, we will be happy to meet our community members around a coffee or a beer!
About Ultra
Ultra is the first entertainment platform providing all key games industry services under a single roof, accessible through a single login.
Built around our PC games distribution store, Ultra Games, our platform will provide access to countless centralized and decentralized services: Discover, buy, play and sell your games and in-game items, watch live-streaming feeds, interact with your favorite influencers, participate in contests, compete in tournaments, and much more.
Ultra has been built to provide endless value for players, a fair playing ground for developers, and a whole new world of opportunities for the games industry.
For more information, visit and and follow along on Twitter, YouTube, Telegram, and Discord.