Published in
5 min readMar 26, 2020


As you are all aware now, the world has recently experienced significant tremors due to the emergence of the Coronavirus. We wanted to give you an update about the measures we’ve taken to keep an optimal workflow, what this crisis changed for us so far, and what we planned for the upcoming weeks.

Team Organization

Here at Ultra, the past few weeks have been very active ones regarding talent recruitment. Our team is now composed of 60 highly skilled members, with approximately three-quarters of them being engineers and developers focused on building Ultra’s software stack.

We are following the evolution of the epidemic very closely and, in order to guarantee the health security of our in-house team, we decided to temporarily close our Parisian office and are providing hardware for anyone needing it to maintain their workflow from home during the quarantine.

Fortunately for Ultra, half of our team was already working remotely before the outbreak and we communicate constantly on Slack and conference calls, so adapting our practice for sanitary precautions has been a very straight forward and impactless process.

Rami James recently published an article detailing how we organize our work remotely and the daily tools we use to keep a high level of cohesion and performance within our teams. If you haven’t read it yet, read about our Technologies and Methodologies.

The health and safety of our team members are both very important to us and to ensure an optimal work pace, we make sure that everyone can go through this unusual period with as much confidence as before.

Regarding the financial health of our project, we are fortunate to be in an industry that is relatively sheltered from the crisis. The demand for media and entertainment has sharply increased since the start of quarantine measures in the West. We will all come out stronger from this ordeal, gamers unite!


Due to the Coronavirus outbreak and the precaution measures that have been taken by events organizers and the various companies involved, all the major events we initially planned to attend have been canceled or postponed. However, we maintained our most important meetings by converting them to online calls and continue to meet developers this way on a regular basis.

Community Content

Not so surprisingly, gaming and content creation are blooming as people around the world progressively confine themselves at home. While gaming servers are straining from increased affluence, our amazing community is still very active. Among the great community content produced recently (and all available on Reddit), hats off to Michael (CryptoMick) who gave a lot of love to a series of articles about Ultra. You can access all four parts below.

Because we saw that you were all fond of our CEO’s interviews and AMAs, we decided to create time-stamped lists of topics for the 3 latest interviews they gave to MaxDapp and Blockchain Brad.

What Else?

New Website

To prepare our upcoming release, we are currently working on a new website specifically designed to provide beta onboarding and education. With this cleaner version, we are shifting from crypto/blockchain to something more targeted at gamers and game developers that will emphasize the advantages of our solution for them.

Beta Release

As explained above, the corona outbreak didn’t really change our productivity on the development side. We are currently about to onboard a dozen game developers to extend our closed beta as we are making important progress toward the launch of our blockchain and beta product. Check the latest version of our “Tradability & Resellability” GameDev Center page below!

EOS NY Taking Another Path

As some of you already noticed, EOS NY is stopping all its activities in order to join Block.one. We believe their team’s talents will be a great addition to Block.one and will reflect positively on the development of EOSIO. We wish them a bright future with this new venture, and we are of course keeping touch with them.

New Features Presentation

As we are getting closer to the beta, we are also preparing to unveil features and mechanisms we never really detailed before. While we slowly open our solution to more and more developers, we want to share some of the key technical components of our solution with our community. Our various teams (development, marketing, community, etc.) are working together in order to make this real.

About Ultra

Ultra is the first entertainment platform providing all key games industry services under a single roof, accessible through a single login.

Built around our PC games distribution store, Ultra Games, our platform will provide access to countless centralized and decentralized services: Discover, buy, play and sell your games and in-game items, watch live-streaming feeds, interact with your favorite influencers, participate in contests, compete in tournaments, and much more.

Ultra has been built to provide endless value for players, a fair playing ground for developers, and a whole new world of opportunities for the games industry.

For more information, visit ultra.io and onultra.io and follow along on Twitter, YouTube, Telegram, and Discord.

