Introducing the Newest Uniqs Available for Uniq Marketplace Closed Beta Testers

Published in
6 min readApr 26, 2022

The Uniq Marketplace will open up to more testers soon, here’s what we have in store

Ultra started with a small number of dedicated community members that supported what we believe to be the future of gaming. They had unwavering faith in us to execute our grand vision, even when it was just in the ideation phase. Since then, we’ve grown leaps and bounds, not only from a development standpoint, but in our community of passionate and like-minded folks.

We want to give back to our community and provide you all with a glimpse of what is made possible through Ultra’s NFT standard. We’re starting with just a sneak peek of what we can do during the closed beta, so some of our amazing community members can test the platform and receive some perks for being so awesome.

Take a look at the Uniq Marketplace!

💭 A Uniq Concept

We’ve been prepping behind the scenes for the launch of the Uniq Marketplace to ensure the value we’re providing gamers will spread worldwide.

We created two epic trailers that encompass what Ultra’s Uniq Marketplace is all about and, more importantly, what makes us stand out from the rest. We’ve spent months fine-tuning the messaging and design of both to ensure they capture the hearts of those looking for a place like the Ultraverse but didn’t know it existed.

Teaser of Uniq Marketplace launch video!

You can own part of one of the two videos we created. We expect a good audience, so it’s an important part of Ultra’s journey and for you, as the owner.

🌌 Welcome to the Ultraverse Collection

Here’s the first of several collections available for closed beta users. All the Uniqs during this phase of the closed beta will be tradable now and in the future, so even if you’re not part of the limited number of people who get to test it first, you’ll still be able to purchase them on the second-hand market upon launch.

We have attached specific utility and rewards to some of these Uniqs to show you the types of things made possible with our NFT standard. This isn’t to say that this is all we can do with our tech — No no, this is just a fraction of what is possible (the rest will be revealed Soon™)!

Uniq Gold

Uniq Gold is the rarest Uniq in this collection. With only 10 available to purchase, this Uniq gives you exclusive access to the Ultra team.

Owning this Uniq will make you eligible for joining an exclusive one-hour AMA with the visionaries themselves, David and Nicolas. You’ll be able to pick their brains about Ultra, our plans, and anything else you wish to know about.

We’ll provide more details about when and where this AMA will take place to those who own this Uniq, and subsequent AMAs will be organized with the CEOs and some more of the Ultra team over the next few months.

Power Up

Power Up is a special Uniq that gives you the power to access more of the Ultraverse. Since you’ll already be diving into the Uniq marketplace –one of the key apps within Ultra — we want to give you the opportunity to explore more of what our boundless ecosystem has to offer.

Owners of Power Up will unlock Ultra Games access during the third and final wave. Already have access to our games store, or just feeling extremely generous? You can also use this Uniq to gift a friend your Ultra Games closed beta pass by letting us know who you want to enable access for when we reach out to get the accounts set up for Wave 3!

Project Endeavor vs USS

Project Endeavor vs USS represents Ultra’s various projects that are in the works. We reveal a lot about what we’ve got in the pipeline, but that doesn’t mean we reveal everything… Owning this Uniq will mean more and more to the world as time passes, especially when we start revealing the true meaning behind the ambiguity in this image.

There is also a specific utility tied to Project Endeavor vs USS, which revolves around the testing you do during the closed beta. The player that owns this Uniq AND has the highest number of trades will be gifted an extremely rare Uniq once the Uniq Marketplace launches.

Ready, Set, Go!

Ready, Set, Go! is another Uniq that gives you the power to explore Ultra’s ecosystem before anyone else. Owning this Uniq grants access to the Ultra Games closed beta for you or a friend.


As you can imagine, with the launch of the Uniq Marketplace will come a lot, and we mean A LOT, of Uniq drops from Ultra, brands, artists, and publishers. Getting your hands on this Uniq gives you the chance to win exclusive NFTs from our partners (and us)! We’ll be sending owners of LETSGOO with various rare Uniqs, and you’ll find them straight to your inventory, ready to keep or trade with others. The longer you keep this Uniq, the more free Uniqs you’ll receive.


You came along for the ride, and now you’re one of the few that have access to the Uniq Marketplace — the GGWP and GLHF Uniqs were created for you! These are the only two Uniqs that won’t have any utility attached to them for the time being, but you might receive some perks as an owner of them down the line if you HODL onto it for long enough…

We’ll continue expanding the closed beta and its content up until the launch of the Uniq Marketplace so if you haven’t already, make sure to sign up for a chance to join here!

About Ultra

Ultra is the first entertainment platform providing all key games industry services under a single roof, accessible through a single login.

Built around our PC games distribution store, Ultra Games, our platform will provide access to countless centralized and decentralized services: Discover, buy, play and sell your games and in-game items, watch live-streaming feeds, interact with your favorite influencers, participate in contests, compete in tournaments, and much more.

Ultra has been built to provide endless value for players, a fair playing ground for developers, and a whole new world of opportunities for the games industry.

For more information, visit and and follow along on Twitter, YouTube, Telegram, and Discord.

