Introducing the Ultra Soul Collection: The First Collection on Ultra that Rewards its Community!

Patrick Walbaum
Published in
6 min readDec 8, 2023

We unveil the Ultra Soul Collection, the first soulbound Uniq card collection on Ultra.

In case you don’t know, I’m Ultra’s Lead Community Manager! Ever since I started following Ultra and its community, one thing that caught my attention the most was how loyal and passionate you all are. From the Ultra logo profile pictures and the “ᕫ” in every Twitter name, to the love everyone shared for David and Nicolas’ vision.

We could say that the community is in fact the “soul” of Ultra! That purple flame that burns deep in all of you simply doesn’t go out despite the coldest of winters or harshest of storms.

Things are starting to pick up, and where we’re going, many will join! This is why now is as good a time as any to celebrate and reward our brave ultra soldiers who have stood by our side for so long, with unwavering patience and stone-cold conviction! But also to welcome newcomers eagerly joining the Ultra revolution.

What is the Ultra Soul Collection?

The Ultra Soul Collection is Ultra’s first soulbound Uniq card collection. It was created as a way to reward community members for doing good deeds and contributing to the Ultra community.

Inspired by the Magic card game, the Ultra Soul collection can be divided into 2 main Uniq groups.

Characters and Ultra Soul Points


Based on certain merits, community members can earn a Uniq character. Each character has particular requirements that must be met to be eligible to win one.

Each character grants a certain amount of Ultra Soul Points (USP).

The first batch of characters are the following:

Ultra Spirit

Ultra Spirit

The Ultra Spirit Uniq will be given to a community member that best represents the core values of Ultra. This person is an example for the rest of the community and is truly passionate about Ultra.

Creature: Noble Knight

Supply: Infinite

Tradability: Soulbound (Non-tradable)

USP: 75

Ultra Shaman

Ultra Shaman

The Ultra Shaman uniq is awarded to that community member who strives for peace in the community. Solver of conflict, mediator of quarrels, fighter of FUD! When fear, uncertainty, and doubt casts its cloud over the community, it’s the Ultra Shaman who stands out and calms the waters.

Creature: Elf Shaman

Supply: Infinite

Tradability: Soulbound (Non-tradable)

USP: 60

Wizard of Awareness

Wizard of Awareness

The Wizard of Awareness Uniq shall be given to a community member who does the best job of spreading awareness about Ultra on different social platforms. Someone who makes quality and magical threads, explains features of the platform and brings value to new members to spark genuine curiosity.

For extra visibility, we recommend that community members always use the $UOS cashtag and other relevant hashtags and tags (#gameonultra, @ultra_io, etc.)

Creature: Mysterious Wizard

Supply: Infinite

Tradability: Soulbound (Non-tradable)

USP: 60

Ultra Legend

Ultra Legend

The most powerful Uniq from the Ultra Soul Collection. To claim the powerful title of Ultra Legend, one community member must collect all three previous characters (Ultra Spirit, Wizard of Awareness, and Ultra Shaman).

Creature: Legendary Swordsman

Supply: Infinite

Tradability: Soulbound (Non-tradable)

USP: 150

Master of Memes

Master of Memes

The Master of Memes Uniq is awarded to one who has perfected the art of creating the most ingenious, original, and funny memes about Ultra.

Creature: Roguish Jester

Supply: Infinite

Tradability: Soulbound (Non-tradable)

USP: 50

Upcoming Characters!

If you thought this first batch of characters was all there is, think again! The beauty of this collection is that new characters will be introduced as time goes on. This opens up more possibilities and chances for people to earn glory and Ultra Soul Points!

Arena Champion

Those brave warriors who emerge glorious from tournaments on Ultra Arena and who claim the first prize might also be entitled to win the Arena Champion Uniq!

Creature: Unknown

Supply: Infinite

Tradability: Soulbound (Non-tradable)


Master of Coin

The Master of Coin is in charge of overseeing the royal treasury. He is well-versed in financial matters. His influence has great power, and so the person who holds this title multiplies his staking rewards. (Yes, you read correctly)

Creature: Unknown

Supply: Limited Supply

Tradability: Tradable


How will winners be selected?

The first round of winners have already been selected and will be announced when the Ultra Soul Collection period starts, beginning of 2024.

After the first month concludes, there will be a combination of community voting and direct designations from Ultra every month.

As time passes, we will open other venues to earn characters through things like quests and tournaments on Ultra as and when they apply. For example, you cannot earn Ultra Spirit, Ultra Shaman, or Ultra Legend via quests or tournaments, but you could earn a Master of Coin or Arena champion.

Ultra Soul Points

Ultra Soul Points are the reward points that are awarded with each character of this collection. USP will be given in the form of tradable Uniqs. There will be different types of USP Uniqs, varying both in quantity and value.

USP are awarded in the following formats: 5 USP, 10 USP, 15 USP, 25 USP, and 50 USP

50 USP

USP can be traded on the Uniq Marketplace or redeemed. In our Discord server, you will find a special channel called “Ultra Tavern” . Here you will find a variety of prizes which you can obtain with your Ultra Soul Points.

Prizes will vary between:
- Games
- Uniqs
- Merch
- Early Access Passes

To claim prizes with USP, head over to the corresponding channel in Discord and follow the instructions.

In the beginning, the only way to earn USP is with characters. But, in a later stage, we will reward USP through Ultra Arena tournaments and also community quests and marketing activities. There will be plenty of opportunities for everyone!

About Ultra

Ultra is the first entertainment platform providing all key games industry services under a single roof, easily accessible through a single login.

Built around our PC games distribution store, Ultra provides access to countless centralized and decentralized services: Discover, buy, play and sell your games and in-game items, watch live-streaming feeds, interact with your favorite influencers, participate in contests, compete in tournaments, and much more.

Ultra has been built to provide endless value for players, a fair playing ground for developers, and a whole new world of opportunities for the games industry.

For more information, visit and and follow along on Twitter, YouTube, Telegram, Instagram, and Discord.

