Opening Ultra’s Blockchain: Enabling Uniq Creation & Smart Contract Deployment for Everyone

Ultra Team
Published in
4 min readMay 2, 2024

We’re opening the doors to Uniq creation and smart contract deployment on Ultra.

As part of our ongoing commitment to fostering innovation and empowering developers, Ultra is thrilled to announce the opening of our blockchain to the public. This monumental step introduces two core categories of functionality — enabling creators and developers to create their own Uniqs and smart contracts. Let’s delve into each of these features to understand their significance in expanding Ultra’s ecosystem.

Enabling Uniq Creation for All

We’re democratizing digital asset creation by enabling creators to create Uniqs (NFTs) by leveraging the powerful Uniq standard. Built with flexibility and innovation in mind, the Uniq standard breaks down barriers in the current landscape of digital asset creation.

Creating Uniqs on Ultra is both flexible and straightforward. With zero development skills required, creators and developers can take advantage of Ultra’s Uniq standard to bring their ideas to life. As a creator, you have the power to configure an array of parameters associated with your Uniq collection:

Purchase options

Creators on Ultra’s platform enjoy a wealth of flexibility when it comes to configuring purchase and minting options for their Uniq collections. These options not only cater to the preferences of players but also make the Uniq acquisition process more user-centric.

Creators can implement various purchase options tailored to the unique needs of their community. For example:

  • Free Mints for Whitelisted Users: Creators can offer a limited number of free mints to users who are whitelisted.
  • Discounted Pricing for Early Birds: The first 100 mints could be offered at a discounted price to incentivize early adoption.
  • Swap Uniqs for Acquisition: Players could have the option to burn or transfer specific Uniqs to acquire a Uniq from the creator’s collection.
  • Limited-Time Discount: For a limited period, creators could offer a 50% discount on the purchase of Uniqs, encouraging more users to participate in the collection.

These purchase options empower creators to engage with their community in innovative ways and drive interest in their Uniq collections.

These are just a few examples; the possibilities are limitless for purchasing options. We’ve created in-depth tutorials around purchasing options and factory management.

Minimum resale price

Creators can establish a minimum resale price in USD for Uniqs, giving them greater control over the value of their digital creations. By establishing a baseline price, creators foster a sense of fairness, stability, and value in the trading and reselling of Uniqs.

While minimum resale prices can be set in USD, Uniqs are still purchased with UOS.

Trading conditions

Creators can set trading windows for Uniqs, allowing specific timeframes or periods for acquiring or trading a Uniq collection. This not only builds anticipation for Uniq sales but also streamlines the collection launch process, ensuring a well-organized and controlled approach.

Automatic revenue distribution & royalties

Creators can set parameters for revenue distribution to designated recipients in the form of royalties. With sales taking place, royalties are distributed automatically. Creators can add different wallets as beneficiaries, with each wallet having different shares if necessary.

There is also the option to enforce royalties as a creator. Royalties have become optional on various major blockchains, and we believe creators should have the ability to ensure royalties within their Uniq collections.

These parameters represent just a fraction of the control creators have over their Uniq collections. To guide creators through the process of creating their own Uniq factory on Ultra, we’ve compiled a comprehensive step-by-step guide.

To showcase the potential of this technology, our friends at UltraIsLife have already built a Uniq manager tool where anyone can create their own Uniq collections:

Opening Up Smart Contract Deployment on Ultra

The creation and deployment of smart contracts are now available to all, empowering developers to launch decentralized applications (dApps) on our blockchain.

Previously, deploying smart contracts needed authorization from the Ultra team. Now, any developer can create and deploy their smart contracts on Ultra’s blockchain, marking a significant stride in the growth and development of our ecosystem.

Below are some of the core benefits of smart contract development on Ultra’s blockchain:

  • Flexible Redeployment: Contracts can be redeployed as often as needed, but contracts can be made immutable as well.
  • Advanced Debugging Options: Developers can run the chain locally and access logs directly from the contract for debugging.
  • Versatile Design Patterns: Multiple options are available for designing complex features such as contract versioning, data inheritance, and access permissions.
  • Automated Actions: Contracts can react to specific actions they are involved in, allowing for automated responses or transaction rejection based on predefined conditions.
  • Low Barrier to Entry: Developers only need to pay for RAM and deploy their contract, with the option to remove it and refund most of the RAM if necessary.
  • Advanced Permission Structures: Contracts can be authorized to act on behalf of other accounts, facilitating seamless interaction between multiple contracts without the need for additional signatures or backend systems.

For developers eager to explore smart contract creation on Ultra, we’ve curated comprehensive tutorials and documentation to facilitate their journey.

About Ultra

Ultra is the first entertainment platform providing all key games industry services under a single roof, easily accessible through a single login.

Built around our PC games distribution store, Ultra provides access to countless centralized and decentralized services: Discover, buy, play and sell your games and in-game items, watch live-streaming feeds, interact with your favorite influencers, participate in contests, compete in tournaments, and much more.

Ultra has been built to provide endless value for players, a fair playing ground for developers, and a whole new world of opportunities for the games industry.

For more information, visit and and follow along on Twitter, YouTube, Telegram, Instagram, and Discord.

