Ultra — A PC Game Distribution Platform Powered by Blockchain

Peter Ripple
Published in
4 min readOct 17, 2018

Community Update #1

Hello world!

Our team is thrilled to give you an update on our project Ultra — a next generation PC game distribution platform.

In a market dominated by one key player, there is a desperate need to take back control of digital game publication and ownership. As the market stands, PC developers have little choice for getting their game to the consumer. Smaller developers have few choices but to publish at all costs on a platform that may not suit their needs.

We at Ultra think it’s time for a drastic change. We aim to give developers more freedom to publish on their terms. And for consumers, we want you to have a broad choice in games and take control of digital ownership using the unique advantages only the blockchain can provide. The Ultra platform uses the Ultra token to redistribute wealth back to publishers, gamers and influencers. The future of gaming, from in-game items to time spent beta-testing, will be tokenized and we at Ultra will be right at the forefront of the blockchain revolution.

A Team Dedicated to Gaming

Ultra is proudly presented by a team of accomplished executives and game industry leaders who have held top positions in prestigious companies. We are working with the best of the best, from the likes of Google, Dell, Microsoft, Uber and more. Combined, our team has years of experience making abstract ideas into executable products. And if there’s one thing we know above all else — it’s gaming.

Our team has worked with a huge range of AAA companies, from Activision and Ubisoft to Bandai Namco and more. Now, we have decided to put our heads together and make the PC gaming world a better place for developers and consumers. Our passion for gaming drives the core of our development, as we meet with key players from the gaming industry on a regular basis. From AAA publishers to indie devs and casual gamers, we are creating Ultra to scale for the entirety of the industry.

Where We Are Now

Besides working hard at getting the alpha product ready, we’ve been busy gaining valuable insights from industry giants and indie devs alike. We’ve traveled all around the globe, including GDC (Game Developers Conference) at San Francisco, the Tokyo Game Show in Japan, E3, Gamescom, ChinaJoy, Reboot and much, much more. At each event, we chat one-on-one with game devs to learn about their frustrations and needs in development and publication. Over the course of a few months, we’ve presented our project to a litany of developers and implemented their ideas into our ecosystem.

Apart from the gaming world, we’ve also met with the top minds in blockchain development. From Consensus to MoneyConf — we’ve been hard at work actively marketing our product and meeting blockchain devs, potential partners and interested investors.

Along the way, we’ve signed deals with important actors in the industry. We can’t wait to tell you all about it, so stay tuned to our blog posts for future announcements!

What’s Next?

We are working with strategic members of the EOS community to ensure a smooth launch. Our blockchain developers are working hard to get everything in order for the alpha and token generation event. More details to come!

Interested in developing with us? We are actively seeking developers with a background in blockchain, full-stack development, product development and devops. If you feel like you might be the right fit, send an email to: job@ultra.io

At the same time, we’re not slowing down our market research. Members of our team will be traveling to Money 2020 in Las Vegas, to Paris Game Week at the end of October, and to many more events in order to gain further insight from global game developers and potential investors. If you want to reach us during those events please contact us at: contact@ultra.io. We will be happy to meet you in person!

As far as investments, we are currently seeking the best strategic partners for the first round of investment. While we have received interest from various groups, we want to ensure that the first round of investment fits for our goals and vision. Stay tuned for our announcement of partners and the beginning of round two investments.

Until Next Time…

This is the first post in what will be a frequent update about everything we’ve been up to. From alpha/beta testing, new partnerships, roadmap updates, team interviews, event updates and everything in between. On the off-weeks, we plan to cover in-depth details about our project. These articles will cover everything from technical features of the project, to the utility of the Ultra token and much, much more.

Apart from the regular updates, we will regularly communicate on our Telegram Announcement Channel: https://t.me/Ultra_ann

And our Telegram English discussion group: https://t.me/ultra_io

If you’d rather hear about everything we’ve done in newsletter form, head over to ultra.io to sign up for email updates.

As a final note, we take your feedback seriously and aim to constantly improve our lines of communication. Reach out to us on Telegram or Twitter at @ultra_io for any suggestions, concerns or just to say hey.

Cheers from all of us at Ultra!

