Ultra Holders to receive $AGA Airdrop!

Patrick Walbaum
Published in
5 min readJun 12, 2024

As a part of our partner airdrop initiative, we’re excited to work with Agora to reward Ultra holders with a $AGA airdrop.

Agora, Ultra’s close partner, has had an exciting start to 2024. They have achieved great success with their decentralized loot box initiative, the pre-sales and IDOs of the $AGA token, as well as the highly anticipated launch of Agoradex, the first DEX in the Ultra ecosystem.

As the $AGA TGE approaches, being part of the Ultra ecosystem just got even cozier! We announce with great joy that Ultra holders will benefit from an exclusive airdrop of $AGA tokens.

This is just the beginning of more projects joining the Ultra partnered airdrop initiative.

So, let’s get down to business.

How to qualify for $AGA airdrop?

To be eligible for partnered airdrops you can qualify by either holding $UOS or holding Ultra Legacy Uniqs. For more information, please read about the partnered airdrop initiative.

Additionally, we will open a 3rd channel for eligibility which will be done through a Zealy Quest Sprint, which we will be opening up soon. More info TBA.

What must I do to qualify?

STEP 1: Verify Assets

To confirm eligibility, you need to verify your assets ($UOS or Legacy Uniqs). To do this, you need to join our Discord.

For ERC-20 $UOS holders: You will need to verify by connecting to the collabland bot in the ‘INFO’ section of our Discord.

For Ultra Mainnet $UOS holders and Uniq Holders: You will need to verify by connecting to our Uniq Bot in the “INFO” section of our Discord.

After verifying you should be granted holder roles:

UOS Holder Roles

  • Bronze Tier: 1000–10,000 UOS
  • Silver Tier: 10,001–49,999 UOS
  • Gold Tier: 50,000–99,999 UOS
  • Platinum Tier: 100k+ UOS

Ultra Legacy Uniq Roles

  • Founders Collection
  • Welcome to the Ultraverse
  • Ultra’s Power
  • Elemental Souls

After obtaining one of these roles, you will be granted access to the ‘Ultra Holders’ section in our Discord.

STEP 2: Submit Ultra Wallet

Next, you’ll need to submit your Ultra Wallet. This might seem counterintuitive since some of you are already connected to the Ultra bot, but to keep things fair with ERC-20 holders, we will ask everyone to submit their Ultra wallets one more time for the airdrop.

To submit your Ultra wallet you will need to register with our ‘Airborne’ bot on Discord:

1) Send the command “/register”

2) Enter your Ultra wallet address

And done! You are all set and ready.

What type of airdrop will this be?

When the time comes, we will take a screenshot of all the wallets that have been registered with the Airborne bot and that still have the holder roles. It’s very important that you still have the roles, even after registering! Our bots update constantly, so you cannot transfer assets among wallets and register more than 1 wallet.

Tier Levels

Each role grants participation in the airdrop, but not all roles grant the same allocation. The order from lower tier to higher tier is as follows:

  • Bronze Tier / Legacy Uniqs
  • Silver Tier
  • Gold Tier
  • Platinum Tier

(Roles do not stack, only 1 highest role will count per wallet)

Distribution System

The airdrop allocation will be divided into three phases:

Airdrop 1: After TGE (date TBC), participants will receive 33.3% of the tokens.

Airdrop 2: One month following Airdrop 1, a snapshot will be taken.

Wallets that retain their entire initial airdrop allocation and maintain their Ultra holder role will qualify for Airdrop 2, receiving an additional 33.3% of the tokens.

Airdrop 3: One month after Airdrop 2, there will be another snapshot.

Wallets that continue to hold their complete airdrop allocation and the Ultra holder role will qualify for Airdrop 3, receiving the final 33.3% of the tokens.

TLDR: hodl


  • Wen Airdrop?

Airdrop 1 starts after $AGA TGE, date TBC.

  • On which blockchain will the $AGA tokens be airdropped?

On the best gaming blockchain: Ultra’s mainnet!

  • What happens if I have holder roles on ERC-20 & Mainnet?

Only the highest role will be taken into account per wallet. Roles do not stack. So if, for example, you have Bronze ETH holder role + Silver UOS Mainnet role, you will qualify as Silver Tier.

  • How many wallets can I register?

Maximum 1 wallet entry per user.

  • What happens if I sell my $AGA tokens after Airdrop 1?

Paper hands don’t get Airdrop 2 & 3!

About Ultra

Ultra is the first entertainment platform providing all key games industry services under a single roof, easily accessible through a single login.

Built around our PC games distribution store, Ultra provides access to countless centralized and decentralized services: Discover, buy, play and sell your games and in-game items, watch live-streaming feeds, interact with your favorite influencers, participate in contests, compete in tournaments, and much more.

Ultra has been built to provide endless value for players, a fair playing ground for developers, and a whole new world of opportunities for the games industry.

For more information, visit ultra.io and onultra.io and follow along on Twitter, YouTube, Telegram, Instagram, and Discord.

