Ultra Launches Tradable Games: The First-Ever Digital Tradable Game is Going LIVE!

Steve Raath
Published in
6 min readDec 12, 2023


Today marks a paradigm shift in game ownership as Ultra initiates the first-ever digital tradable game!

We’re thrilled to announce we’re launching our eagerly-awaited tradable games feature, allowing players to trade games and revolutionizing game distribution for developers and publishers!

With the introduction of tradable games, players can re-sell purchased games or trade them with friends, engaging in forgotten fun dynamics that used to be possible when games were distributed in physical form.

Join us as we delve into what tradable games mean for the Ultra ecosystem:

The Current Challenge: Rethinking Game Ownership

In the gaming space today, a significant problem shadows the idea of game ownership. Despite investing in gaming, through purchasing content and in-game items, players encounter a dilemma where ownership feels transient and limited to the act of playing. The traditional model confines gamers to mere gameplay, leaving their purchased games as dormant digital artifacts with no avenue for continued engagement or value.

This problem is clear: after buying games, they often sit unused, offering little beyond the initial thrill of gameplay. Once the transaction is done, player control diminishes, leaving games as static, unexplored digital files. This common issue in traditional gaming calls for a rethink of the very concept of game ownership.

Enter Game Tradability: Giving Games a Second Life

The digital game tradability feature is one that the gaming world has never seen before, unlocking the possibility of selling pre-owned digital games on an online marketplace. The Uniq NFT standard powers this new feature on Ultra Games, Ultra’s advanced asset tokenization technology.

Rather than idly sitting in players’ libraries, unused games can find life on the secondary market, allowing players to generate value from their games and actively participate in the gaming economy. Ultra’s game tradability isn’t just a feature; it’s an invitation for players to unlock the untapped potential of their gaming collections.

While Ultra Games will still include all primary sales of games, we’ve introduced a secondary market where players can list or acquire pre-loved games from other players looking to sell them. Secondary game sales will take place on the Uniq Marketplace, but also on any marketplace built on Ultra’s technology.

What is Game Tokenization?

Game tokenization refers to the process of transforming a game license into a programmed digital token, enabling new capabilities such as game resale, renting, and peer-to-peer transfers.

Through Ultra Games’ Developer Center, game developers have precise control over their tokenized games. This platform empowers them to define the rules governing their game licenses. It allows them to specify what can and cannot be done under desired conditions, providing a level of customization unprecedented in the gaming industry.

Ultra has pioneered this technology, enabling gamers, for the first time ever, to possess the digital games they can now do more with. Not only does this grant players enhanced asset ownership, but it also opens doors for developers to create more immersive experiences both in and out of their games and generate additional revenue streams from their catalog of games.

The Uniq NFT standard allows any 3rd party application, website, or game, to promote the second-hand sale of games and earn an instant 2% marketplace fee. Anyone can help players sell their games and earn while doing so. Drop us a mail to find out more.

With tokenization comes the full support for developers to have complete flexibility in customizing their game offerings. Game developers and publishers can determine whether they want to leverage the feature, part of it, or not at all through core parameters including:

  • Tradability: Whether it can be sold from one player to another
  • Transferability: Whether it can be sent from one player to another
  • Minimum resale price: Set a minimum resale price that a game can be resold at
  • Tradability window: A set timeframe for trading a game/Uniq
  • And more

Game Tradability for Developers

Beyond its significance for players, the introduction of tradable games on Ultra opens a realm of opportunities for developers, reshaping the gaming landscape that benefits all parties involved.

New Revenue Streams

Tradable games aren’t just a win for players; they represent a significant boon for developers. With the ability to set minimum resale prices and leverage the secondary market, developers unlock diversified revenue streams. This innovative approach ensures that the value of a game isn’t confined to its initial sale; it continues to generate revenue as players trade and resell within the Ultra ecosystem.

Extended Game Lifecycles

Tradable games breathe new life into the gaming experience, extending the life cycle of a title. Developers can ensure their creations stay relevant and engaging long after the initial release, fostering a dedicated player community. This longevity not only enhances a game’s reputation but also provides developers with an ongoing avenue for player engagement and in-game revenue generation.

Community Growth and Loyalty

The tradable games feature acts as a catalyst for community growth and loyalty. As players actively participate in trading and interacting within the Ultra ecosystem, developers can cultivate a dedicated community around their games. This engaged player base becomes a valuable asset for developers, leading to increased brand loyalty, positive word-of-mouth, and a sustainable player community.

“Launching the world’s first tradable digital game is a momentous occasion for us and the vision of our ecosystem. It marks not just a technological milestone for Ultra, but a paradigm shift in how we as players acknowledge game ownership. This innovation empowers players with the ability to get more from games in their libraries and opens a gateway for developers to explore new frontiers in revenue, engagement, and community building.”

Nicolas Gilot, Co-CEO of Ultra

Kicking Off Tradable Games!

Our first tradable game is ready to go and is set to become tradable from the 13th of December 2023! Josh Journey, published by our partners over at Provincia Studio, will be the first official tradable game on Ultra.

To kick off the feature, we’re celebrating with a 24-hour discount at 60% off on Ultra Games, and a raffle for those that engage in trading for this game in the first week.

Any player that buys the game on Ultra Games, or trades it on the second-hand marketplace within one week of the launch date (13–20 December 2023), will be eligible for the raffle.

“We’re excited that Josh Journey will forever be the very first tradable title on Ultra Games! This is a great opportunity for us to understand more about this new business model for games and see how it can enhance existing revenue streams, and create new ones. Blockchain and tokenization are not familiar concepts to us but the enthusiasm of the Ultra community is enormous and we can’t wait to see them enjoy and share Josh Journey.”

Guilherme Araujo, Co-Founder of Provincia Studio

About Ultra

Ultra is the first entertainment platform providing all key games industry services under a single roof, easily accessible through a single login.

Built around our PC games distribution store, Ultra provides access to countless centralized and decentralized services: Discover, buy, play and sell your games and in-game items, watch live-streaming feeds, interact with your favorite influencers, participate in contests, compete in tournaments, and much more.

Ultra has been built to provide endless value for players, a fair playing ground for developers, and a whole new world of opportunities for the games industry.

For more information, visit ultra.io and onultra.io and follow along on Twitter, YouTube, Telegram, Instagram, and Discord.

