Published in
4 min readDec 11, 2020


As planned, we are preparing to make the Ultra platform finally accessible to the public before the end of this year.

To ensure that the deployment of our solution goes smoothly and that as many users as possible can benefit from all the features we are meticulously crafting for gamers and game developers, we’ve decided to proceed to a soft launch divided into 3 stages during which an increasing number of users will be able to access the Ultra platform. Provided that technical and UX-related features meet our expectations, new features will be activated as we progress through the release process.

The 3 Waves 🌊 🌊 🌊

Starting now, we are contacting trusted community members to become the very first public users of Ultra.

We believe our early supporters are the best qualified to provide sincere and valuable feedback. As we want to provide the best onboarding experience possible, the access will be restricted to a small group to start with.

Most core community members will have the chance to be selected during Wave 2.

A larger portion of our community members will get access to Ultra. Among some new features, our platform should notably be switched from running on the Testnet to running on the Mainnet, which is a big step that we will duly celebrate with special events.

That new wave of Ultra users will be picked among community members who have subscribed on the website or have participated in some of the various community events that are going to take place starting now.

Last but not least, the third wave will allow a wide range of users to try the Ultra platform. Access will be throttled, as we are scaling up our operations and opening new regions, but an important number of people will get access to it, including gamers and influencers that are not necessarily accustomed to the blockchain principles.

Details about Wave 3 will be published at the end of the second wave.

Get In!

Our team is already granting a few community members the access to the first public iteration of the Ultra platform but Wave 2 is when the real fun begins, we’ll launch multiple contests and community events that will allow winners to participate in the upcoming wave. Not only will it be a great way for our community members to increase their chances to get in early, but it will also be the occasion to win prizes like exclusive gifts, UOS, and it’s starting now:

Retweet the Twitter announcement of this blog post, and get a chance to win a Wave 2 access!

If you didn’t register yet on our website, don’t wait! Go to ultra.io and register to the list as a player or a game developer, it will increase your chances to gain access to the Ultra platform before everyone else!

During Wave 2, we’ll update our solution to include some anticipated features our devs are currently polishing in order to make the Ultra platform ready for the mass market. We will then open the gates to the many more users with amazing offers that you don’t want to miss.

About Ultra

Ultra is the first entertainment platform providing all key games industry services under a single roof, accessible through a single login.

Built around our PC games distribution store, Ultra Games, our platform will provide access to countless centralized and decentralized services: Discover, buy, play and sell your games and in-game items, watch live-streaming feeds, interact with your favorite influencers, participate in contests, compete in tournaments, and much more.

Ultra has been built to provide endless value for players, a fair playing ground for developers, and a whole new world of opportunities for the games industry.

For more information, visit ultra.io and onultra.io and follow along on Twitter, YouTube, Telegram, and Discord.

