Ultra Retro Club NFT Collection Brings 70s Gaming to the Ultraverse

Published in
5 min readOct 28, 2022

The Ultra Retro Club Uniq collection grants holders with access to remastered retro games, tournaments, rewards, and more!

Ultra Retro Club was created by two friends who share the same burning passion for video games, NFTs, and web3. With their passions well aligned and the Uniq Marketplace designed to take their vision to the next step, they decided to create Ultra Retro Club.

Discover a unique 70s retro arcade gaming experience with this collection to gain access to an Ultrafied remastering of the most classic titles, free tournament passes, and more!

🎢 Join the Ultra Retro Club

Ultra Retro Club brings back the arcade terminals video games that first appeared in the 70s. With the unique potential of NFT and web3, the project aims to utilize the Ultra platform to offer a reimagined blink into the past and a chance to play classic titles in the Ultraverse!

The creators of this collection desire to provide real value and utility to the Ultra community by releasing exclusive Access Passes that grant holders an array of benefits.

Ultra Retro Club offers a variety of Uniqs, each with different rewards. The collection provides holders with access to 7 different remastered retro games which the creators are currently developing.

The first 7 Ultra Retro Club games include:

  • Ultraman — inspired by Pacman
  • Ultra Invaders — inspired by Space Invaders
  • Ultrapong — inspired by Pong
  • Ultetris — inspired by Tetris
  • Ultraroids — inspired by Asteroids
  • Ultralaga — inspired by Galaga
  • To be announced, it’s a surprise ;)

The first drop in this collection will be the Access Pass, a set of 7 Uniqs that grant access to 1 of the 7 games in development. Ultra will also be giving away Golden Access Passes, the rarest Uniq in the collection.

Let’s take a closer look at what’s up for grabs!

🎫 Access Pass

Access Passes are dropping on the Uniq Marketplace at 12pm UTC on the 1st of November. They are your ticket to playing the remastered retro games that the creators are developing.

There are 7 Access Passes to choose from, each granting you access to 1 of the 7 games, free access to some exclusive Ultra Retro Club tournaments, monthly challenge rewards, and more to be announced!

Access Pass #1

Total supply: 100

Price: $85

Access Pass #2

Total supply: 100

Price: $85

Access Pass #3

Total supply: 100

Price: $85

Access Pass #4

Total supply: 100

Price: $85

Access Pass #5

Total supply: 100

Price: $85

Access Pass #6

Total supply: 100

Price: $85

Access Pass #7

Total supply: 100

Price: $85

🎟️ Golden Access Pass

The Golden Access Pass is the rarest Uniq in this collection and will be airdropped to users after the Access Passes drop. With a max supply of 10, these Uniqs grant holders all 7 games upon launch, as well as the same benefits granted to Access Pass holders.

We’ll be giving away Golden Access Passes on Twitter, Instagram, and through various other activities on the Ultra platform so make sure you’re following and have downloaded the client for a chance to win some goodies!

🕹️ Terminals

Terminals are 7 other Uniqs that will drop at a future date. These Uniqs also grant access to the different games, but gives you the chance to pick which games you’ll be able to play. The max supply for these Uniqs will be 1,400, with 50% being airdropped to the Access Pass holders, and the remaining 50% dropping on the Uniq Marketplace at a later date.

When the Terminal Uniqs are airdropped to Access Pass holders, they will reveal which of the 7 games they will be able to play.

The creators of this collection will also release an exclusive 8th premium Terminal that will be airdropped to those who own all 7 other types of Terminal Uniqs. This Uniq will provide the holder with access to all 7 and future games developed by Ultra Retro Club.

More information will be released on the Terminals at a later date.

Stay up to date with Ultra Retro Club by following along on Twitter!

About Ultra

Ultra is the first entertainment platform providing all key games industry services under a single roof, accessible through a single login.

Built around our PC games distribution store, Ultra Games, our platform will provide access to countless centralized and decentralized services: Discover, buy, play and sell your games and in-game items, watch live-streaming feeds, interact with your favorite influencers, participate in contests, compete in tournaments, and much more.

Ultra has been built to provide endless value for players, a fair playing ground for developers, and a whole new world of opportunities for the games industry.

For more information, visit ultra.io and onultra.io and follow along on Twitter, YouTube, Telegram, and Discord.

About Ultra Retro Club

We are two friends that have shared a passion for video games since we were children, and now share the same vision about NFT’s and Web3 as adults. We’ve been a part of the Ultra community since September 2020 and truly believe in the huge potential that Ultra will offer. As part of the Ultra community and huge advocates of what Ultra is building, our mission is to create a project that allows players to revisit the 70s retro arcade gaming vibe within the Ultraverse.

Our idea is to allow players to explore the classic retro arcade terminal games on the Ultra platform as a symbol of Ultra’s beginnings. With the unique potential of NFTs & web3 communities, coupled with the power of Ultra, our intention is to give a second life to all those old video games in a brand new and exciting way.

Through remastering various famous games with all the possibilities that Ultra’s blockchain has to offer, we’re providing a Uniq blink into the past and paying homage to the retro games that contributed massively to the evolution of games as we know them today.

