Anthony Papavassiliou
Published in
5 min readJun 25, 2021


We’re proud and humbled to announce that today, Ultra’s blockchain technology is feature complete and ready for primetime! Together with 7 Block Producers from around the world, we’ll be launching Ultra’s Mainnet on the 29th of June and opening Ultra’s network to the public.

Ultra’s blockchain journey

When building the Ultra platform, we recognized early on that existing blockchain solutions didn’t offer the technology needed to power the next-generation gaming ecosystem we envisioned. The solutions that are available are either too complicated for end-users, unreliable, too slow, or just too expensive and inadequate to meet our business needs. With a strong team behind us and an unwavering determination to carry out our vision, Ultra’s blockchain was created.

To get a better idea of what we deemed necessary for Ultra’s blockchain during the development of the ecosystem, let’s take a look at our hard requirements:

  • Ease of use and reliability
  • Low operational cost
  • Tax compliance
  • Regulatory compliance
  • Security and intellectual property protections
  • No transaction fees
  • No onboarding fees
  • High transaction throughput

We acknowledged that blockchains are mainly designed for finance apps and because of that, users have to jump through hoops to interact with apps. Yes, we could’ve just built the platform on an existing blockchain and called it a day but we refused to take the easy way out and have our future users deal with the limitations that come with it.

If you know anything about Ultra, you know that we thrive in challenging environments and work tirelessly to ensure our service is usable by everyone, everywhere. Of course, designing and developing a blockchain solution that meets each one of our requirements was no small feat, but we have 65+ talented, passionate, and hard-working team members putting their heads down to provide all that’s needed for our team, community, and partners.

We’re proud to say Ultra has created a revolutionary turnkey blockchain solution that will breathe a new life in the gaming and entertainment industries. Today’s announcement marks an important milestone for Ultra and brings us one step closer to delivering a fully-fledged blockchain infrastructure that’s capable of empowering apps with NFTs and trustless services, usable by absolutely any gamer or game developer.

Ultra’s infrastructure aims to become the gold standard for both developers and large corporations looking to enter the blockchain space.

Ultra’s client is a full-fledged ecosystem designed to provide all gaming needs in a single application and includes:

  • Ultra Games, a blockchain-powered games distribution platform
  • Ultra Games Dev Center, a self-service game developer back office, created to manage and publish games
  • Ultra NFT, a custom business-centric regulatory compliant NFT standard
  • Ultra Wallet, a cryptocurrency and NFT wallet with cross-chain asset swap capabilities
  • Ultra Authenticator, a universal blockchain transaction manager
  • Ultra Cloud, an SDK for games and apps
  • Ultra Chronos, a queryable blockchain history database

Launching Mainnet is just the beginning

Launching Ultra’s Mainnet is a huge milestone, but it doesn’t stop there. There’s a lot ahead of us that we’re excited about.

Firstly, in July anyone will be able to download the Wallet-Only client to create an account and reserve their username. Once you’ve created your Ultra account, downloaded the client, and logged in, you’ll have a working blockchain account and access to one application: The Ultra Wallet. We decided to give everyone access to the Ultra Wallet before the platform launches so everyone can perform token swaps from ERC20 UOS to native UOS (and vice versa) as soon as possible. This will also allow you to purchase UOS coins with a credit card, as well as receive and send UOS coins.

In the Ultra Wallet, you’ll also find a personal referral link that you can use when bringing new users to Ultra. You will receive 2% of the revenue generated from any game or DLC purchases made on Ultra Games by users that used your link and it’ll be sent to your wallet. You’ll get an additional 1% of the revenue generated if the person you referred refers other users. We’ll be providing more information about the longevity and parameters surrounding the referral link ahead of the Wallet-Only client release!

As the platform opens up to the general public, those who have downloaded the Wallet-Only client will receive automatic updates with features such as Ultra Games, the NFT Marketplace, and more being made accessible.

Our second phase of the closed beta, Wave 2, will commence shortly after the release of the public client! This means some more community members and some influencers will get access to additional features within the platform and will be able to purchase games and play them directly within the Ultra client.

We’ll be going over the details of Wave 2 in the coming weeks!

As you can imagine, we’re eager to share more about what we’ve built and will delve into the Ultra blockchain, developer onboarding, token swaps, and what’s to come next so keep your eyes peeled!

We want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has supported us on this journey so far and assure you that this is just the beginning. Ultra started out as an idea. An idea so big that it took patience, dedication, and trust to make it happen. We’re unraveling each part of Ultra’s infrastructure as time goes on to make this new era of gaming a true reality for everyone.

About Ultra

Ultra is the first entertainment platform providing all key games industry services under a single roof, accessible through a single login.

Built around our PC games distribution store, Ultra Games, our platform will provide access to countless centralized and decentralized services: Discover, buy, play and sell your games and in-game items, watch live-streaming feeds, interact with your favorite influencers, participate in contests, compete in tournaments, and much more.

Ultra has been built to provide endless value for players, a fair playing ground for developers, and a whole new world of opportunities for the games industry.

For more information, visit and and follow along on Twitter, YouTube, Telegram, and Discord.

