Unveiling On-chain First-hand Purchases: Unlocking New Purchasing Options, Whitelisting, and More Within Uniq Factories

Steve Raath
Published in
5 min readNov 3, 2023

The on-chain first-hand purchase feature opens the door to optimized sales strategies for creators, purchasing options for players, exclusivity within communities through whitelisting, and much more.

We’re thrilled to announce the launch of our new on-chain first-hand purchase feature, designed to enhance a creator’s flexibility over their Uniq collections, as well as provide new ways for players to acquire Uniqs. This feature opens up new possibilities for Uniq factory managers, empowering them to define multiple purchase options, create exclusivity around their collections, and much more.

With this feature, we’re creating a standardized way of distributing Uniqs, while providing innovative ways for players to acquire digital items on Ultra. Here’s what creators and players can expect from this update:

Setting Up Purchase Options on Uniqs

At its core, this feature equips Uniq factory managers (creators) with the tools they need to create and manage purchase options on their Uniq collections. This means players will soon have new ways to acquire Uniqs within Ultra’s ecosystem.

Creators now have the freedom to configure a multitude of purchase options for a single factory. This dynamic flexibility allows creators to cater to the preferences of their players, making the Uniq acquisition process more user-centric.

As simple as it will be to add purchasing options, creators also retain the ability to remove or modify these options as needed, ensuring their Uniq factories remain adaptable to evolving player preferences.

Diverse Ways of Distributing Uniqs

Factories can inspect the ownership status of specific Uniqs, granting gated access to the purchasing of Uniqs. This means that creators could open up sales to only those who own specific Uniqs.

Additionally, creators can introduce an option for users to directly exchange (swap) their Uniq to acquire a Uniq. This can be done by either transferring the Uniq or burning them. This creates greater value behind owning Uniqs, opening exclusivity for further collections.

As an example, a game developer could release a new collection and offer early access to users who already own specific Uniqs. Players can access this by simply swapping their existing Uniqs, either by transferring them or burning them, to acquire a new Uniq. This approach drives player engagement and adds value to Uniq ownership.

Players don’t need to initiate Uniq transfers or burns themselves; they can purchase by providing the necessary Uniq(s). Our Uniq standard automatically manages the transfer or burn based on the purchase option parameters set by the factory manager.

Whitelisting for Uniq Collections

Customize your Uniq sales to cater to specific player groups by designing purchase options exclusively for them. The feature of whitelisting not only empowers creators with enhanced launch strategies but also fosters increased interaction within dedicated player communities.

This is an optional feature for creators, and if left empty, any player group can purchase the collection.

Whitelisting is an invaluable tool for generating exclusivity during the launch of highly anticipated drops. This feature allows creators to restrict Uniq sales to a selected group of players within a community, serving as a reward for their loyalty and active engagement.

Quantity Limitation on Purchase Option

Creators now can also impose limitations on the number of Uniqs that can be acquired through a specific purchase option.

For instance, a creator could establish a daily purchase limit of 500 Uniqs, each priced at a reduced rate of 100 UOS, offering buyers a more cost-effective opportunity.

Define Revenue Beneficiaries

Creators now possess the capability to distribute revenue among multiple parties, designating specific wallets and associated basis points. Each share of revenue to different parties will also be fully traceable via our blockchain, promoting heightened transparency.

As a beneficiary, you will receive payments following the factory’s revenue-sharing arrangement, fostering adaptable share limits. Beneficiaries will be paid out instantly on each sale.

Setting a Promoter’s Share

Creators have the opportunity to define a promoter’s share, ensuring that relevant contributors are rewarded for their promotional efforts and the success of a collection. This share is fully customizable and can deviate from the rates in the second-hand marketplace, providing creators with the flexibility to incentivize promoters as they see fit. We’re introducing a minimum 0% fee, for the creator’s convenience.

As a quick refresher, the promoter share applies to external actors such as influencers, developers, marketplaces, or other entities that contribute to the sales and promotion of Uniqs.

Configurable Sale Timeframe

Creators can establish defined purchase windows for their Uniqs, setting precise time frames wherein players can acquire their Uniqs. This not only builds anticipation for Uniq sales but also streamlines the collection launch process, ensuring a well-organized and controlled approach.

Example of Different Purchasing Options

To simplify the power of this feature, here are some examples of how these purchasing options could be applied.

It’s worth noting that no programming will be required to implement these options, as these ‘purchase options’ can be conveniently configured within a simple blockchain transaction.

Below are some examples of purchasing options:

  • Starting next month, whoever owns a Uniq from Uniq Collection X, can get a Uniq for free, but their Uniq from Collection Y will be burned in the process.
  • Starting right now and until 1 pm on Wednesday, a maximum of 1,000 Uniqs can be purchased for $45 as long as the buyer is a part of the whitelist. Promoters will earn 10% for each sale they bring.
  • Starting next week, whoever owns a Uniq from Uniq Collection Y, can buy a Uniq at a discounted price of $40. However, the buyer’s Uniq from Collection X will be taken and transferred to the creator (factory manager) in the process.

These are just a few variations that creators could implement within their Uniq sales strategies.

Creating Flexibility and Convenience within Uniq Collections

The on-chain first-hand purchase feature represents a significant stride in delivering a comprehensive toolkit for creators to fine-tune their digital item sales strategies, all while enhancing the convenience for players to obtain Uniqs.

This feature unlocks innovative ways to link utility to Uniqs, ushering in enhanced value opportunities for all Uniq drops and community rewards within Ultra’s ecosystem.

The Uniq standard is open on testnet and these purchasing options can be applied here while waiting for the feature to be opened up on mainnet. For more information, you can view our documentation here!

About Ultra

Ultra is the first entertainment platform providing all key games industry services under a single roof, easily accessible through a single login.

Built around our PC games distribution store, Ultra provides access to countless centralized and decentralized services: Discover, buy, play and sell your games and in-game items, watch live-streaming feeds, interact with your favorite influencers, participate in contests, compete in tournaments, and much more.

Ultra has been built to provide endless value for players, a fair playing ground for developers, and a whole new world of opportunities for the games industry.

For more information, visit ultra.io and onultra.io and follow along on Twitter, YouTube, Telegram, Instagram, and Discord.

