Rami James
Published in
5 min readJun 10, 2020


We at Ultra have been busy working on our next generation game distribution platform for quite some time now. A lot of thought goes into what we build and why. We would like to share some of that with you.

Development should be a holistic endeavor, taking into account the needs of all parties involved and aiming to create an offering that satisfies both the market’s current requirements and adding new innovations that excite and energize. Our intent is to implement and introduce to the market unique feature sets that enable developers and users to experience new paradigms with our software.

The core challenge we face is finding the right balance between our available development resources and the need to create new features that we think the market will find attractive. It is a difficult balance to manage because everything we imagine can not always be built due to these resource constraints. Ultra has to be smart and select the right path forward.

Although we can not discuss all of the innovations we are currently developing, we think that there is value in us sharing some of the pieces we think are critical to our success. We hope that you are as excited about them as we are.

Ultra Store and Client

The store and client are the heart and soul of the Ultra platform. They are where developers can sell their products and users can find exactly what they are looking for. The technical foundation that the client is built on gives Ultra a distinct advantage over its competitors, allowing its team to build unique, exciting features that haven’t been explored before.

For us at Ultra, it is critically important that the experience of exploring all the available wares be as straightforward as possible. Much of our focus of late has been on providing an improved user experience in the client.

Game Developer Center

The GDC is our offering to game developers and publishers that enables them to easily upload, manage, and distribute their content. We have spent many months improving and polishing this part of our platform after getting constructive feedback from industry partners. From within the GDC you can manage things like the content of your games such as versions and DLCs, what permissions to assign to company members, how your store looks, and the ability to manage the awards that you have received.

Game Developer Center

Master Center

The Master Center is where Ultra manages companies, their video games, and company members. Our core focus has always been on providing end-users with a secure and consistent platform, and to do this we are implementing a KYB (know your business) process that each developer or publisher must go through to validate that the content they are putting on Ultra is safe and working properly.

As an extension of this process, without going through our KYB process a developer can not publish a smart contract to the chain. This ensures that only vetted providers can run arbitrary code. If something goes wrong with a smart contract, we will know who to reach out to. It is critically important to us that we safeguard our user’s safety and funds.

Token Factory

The token factories are where developers and publishers can generate tokens for each game or asset that they sell. Tokens are unique and can be traded or sold, giving end users options that don’t exist on any other platform. These factories are incredibly flexible and easy to set up, allowing us to bring advanced blockchain technologies to users in a way never done before.

Token Factory

Ultra Authenticator

The Ultra platform comes with its own unique and powerful authentication application which allows users to sign transactions made on the Ultra blockchain in a secure way. This authenticator works with both Ultra and applications that have integrated with our SDK, meaning that transactions can be requested and signed directly from games or apps. This opens up new and exciting business opportunities for developers and publishers.

Ultra Authenticator

Ultra Wallet

One of our core offerings is the Ultra Wallet, which is a safe and secure way to manage your assets on the Ultra blockchain. Here you will be able to easily oversee the UOS tokens and NFT assets that are in your blockchain accounts. You can send and receive them with a click of a button, and view your transaction history in a straightforward manner.

For companies, we are also providing the ability to create special wallets associated with your businesses so that you can easily maintain separate balances for your personal accounts, and those which a business would control.

UOS Blockchain advances

A big part of our focus has been targeted at leveraging and improving the EOSIO software that our blockchain is based on. Our aim is to have the fastest, easiest to use blockchain on the market.

We have implemented a new RAM policy that improves the stability of the ecosystem, provides free accounts for users (up to a limit), and unifies the RAM market. It gives Ultra the control it needs to ensure a fair market for developers and users alike.

The Importance of Hitting Our Target

As you can see, there are many pieces to the Ultra project, each with their own unique challenges, constraints, and opportunities.

Ultra is focused on providing solutions to hard problems that blockchains still encounter. It is our belief that without these solutions, there will be no general acceptance of this amazing technology.

We look forward to releasing more information about what we are creating in the coming months. Thanks for your continued support and interest in our project.

About Ultra

Ultra is the first entertainment platform providing all key games industry services under a single roof, accessible through a single login.

Built around our PC games distribution store, Ultra Games, our platform will provide access to countless centralized and decentralized services: Discover, buy, play and sell your games and in-game items, watch live-streaming feeds, interact with your favorite influencers, participate in contests, compete in tournaments, and much more.

Ultra has been built to provide endless value for players, a fair playing ground for developers, and a whole new world of opportunities for the games industry.

For more information, visit ultra.io and onultra.io and follow along on Twitter, YouTube, Telegram, and Discord.

