ULTRAIN Ambassador Program

Published in
2 min readNov 19, 2018

ULTRAIN’s vision is global. To grow and manage an active community, we are looking for experienced help and are officially launching our Ambassador Program today.

As an ambassador, you have to be a highly trustworthy person, since you will be the primary contact for the community in your region. You need to acquire a proper understanding of ULTRAIN to answer basic questions yourself. You will have weekly Skype calls with our Community Manager. And, yes, of course there is a big reward.

Ambassador Rewards

Ambassadors are best friends with the ULTRAIN team. Therefore you will receive an ambassador package upfront. It contains a ULTRAIN T-Shirt, Ultrain Mascot, promotional material and some goodies to spread the word.

Your reward will be secured on a monthly basis and depends on whether you have a measurable impact and hit specific goals defined. For every active month you will receive a certain amount of UGAS token at competitive rate. After the initial three months collaboration you can decide whether you want to stop or continue to support us. (can be discussed)

The secured rewards will be distributed after the first stage is completed. Those who stay with us until the end will get the chance to renegotiate with us a new individual reward for further collaboration.

Ambassador Regions

· Japan

· South Korea

· Russia

· Vietnam

· India

· …….

Ambassador Requirements

· Decent in written and spoken English

· Fluent in home countries native language

· One year of experience with blockchain communities

· Work experience as a community manager or promoter

· Located in a large city of the respective country

· Shares the vision of ULTRAIN and is loyal to its team

Ambassador Tasks

· Manage region specific Telegram groups and Bitcointalk threads

· Moderate official ULTRAIN channels like Reddit and Telegram

· Minor translations from English to your native language

· Promote ULTRAIN at least once a month on a relevant event or Meetup

· Post information about ULTRAIN in social media channels and groups

· Building and maintaining the ULTRAIN community in your country

Since we are looking for ambassadors that actively build the community, you will give a monthly report of your achievements. We reserve the right to terminate the cooperation in this monthly rhythm.

Want to Join?

You fulfill the minimal requirements and are passionate to share ULTRAIN with others? Send your application with a short motivational letter and CV to Community@Ultrain.io. We are looking forward to work with you!

