Ultrain Bi-Weekly Report(04/22–05/05)

Published in
4 min readMay 10, 2019

We present you with the first project progress bi-weekly report since April22-May 5, We share our latest engagements and updates with our community and we thank you for your continuous support.

Technology Update from Ultrain

Ultrain’s core Technology

1) Optimize the peer-to-peer network link account verification mechanism to improve system security.

2) Build a complex network environment and perform node scheduling tests.

3) Completed Peer-to-peer network NAT scene and coding development.

4) Optimize the package management logic, and the processing efficiency is improved by more than 80%.

5) Implementing committee scheduling based on the light client model and system testing is started

Ultrain’s Smart Contracts

1) Develop a UIP88 contract with the lock function to support the user to issue tokens with lock-up function.

2) Discuss and determine the way the business can be uploaded on Chain and complete the relevant smart contracts.

3) Prepare the main network contract that can lock up token

Ultrain Developer Kit

1) APP multi-chain wallet UltrainOne is available on the Apple Store and Xiaomi Store, and supports token transfer.

2) Performed troubleshooting API of historical data query interface, optimize slow query interface.

3) The testnet web browser is upgraded to a multi-chain architecture, and the interface document and development tutorial are updated synchronously.

Ultrain’s Latest Community & Event Update

Ultrain X AeroSpace: Yunxi Town 2050 Forum

The forum is a great opportunity to collaborate, it has been reported that participants were able to make business deals during the conference that worth tens of millions in revenue. The highlights of the forum include: As the representative of the IT start-up, Guo Rui made his presence with a blockchain presentation addressed that the blockchain technology has driven a new wave of business revolution. It is not only a new technological breakthrough, but also re-engineered the current business models to make them more efficient and effective.

UltrainOne App is now online IOS

Recently on May 3rd, Ultrain official app UltrainOne is launched on Apple App Store, becoming one of the few apps in the industry that succesfully into the Apple Store. Apple users please go to the App Store to download, Android users may access Google Play to download. We welcome more community members to download UltrainOne and give us valuable feedback!

Critical Error/Bugs on EOS, fixed by Ultrain

The core members of the Ultrain technical team were recently going through the EOS code bank and found that the underlying implementation has a fatal security vulnerability that can cause EOS network to be completely paralyzed, and immediately submitted the problem description and repair method to the EOS team. Recently, the EOS team has officially submitted the solution to their mainnet, and expressed many thanks to Ultrain @raymondnuaa!

Ultrain’s CEO participated Digital China Summit

The high-profile 2nd Digital China Summit was held in Fuzhou, Fujian Province recently, the purpose of the summit is for the Chinese government to release its latest informatization and digital economic development policies and build a platform to cooperate and promote digitalization in China.

Guo gave shared his keynote after the public-listed company IFLYTEK News’ speech, during his keynote, Guo pitched the audience the Ultrain’s vision — to build a trustless business society through a decentralized trust engine providing trust computation, the Ultrain model revolutionizes the existing business model!

Ultrain Chief Architect was invited to the TokenInsight Pannel !

This event invited various KOl to join the participation, they talk about the market status as well as a promising future of blockchain technology! Tokeninsight's online Dialogue event started at 10 am on April 30. Ultrain Chief Architect Shen Yufeng was invited to participate, along with Co-founder Lan Rongjian of harmoney chain, Conflux CTO Wu Ming, Nervos COO Lu Guoning, Monoxide Founder Wang Jiaping.

The above information demonstrated the progress of Ultrain from April 22 th to May 05st. Thank you for all your interest in Ultrain! Stay tuned for our latest developments and updates!

