Ultrain Bi-Weekly Report(12/17–12/31)

Published in
7 min readJan 3, 2019

Technology Update from Ultrain

Ultrian’s core Technology

1) Community members may access the testnet through uMiner with their mining rig. Ultrain’s nodes are currently distributed in China, the United States, South Korea, Singapore, and other countries;

2) The Ultrain permitted mainnet was officially released, and it has been connected to multiple industry enterprises and is now open to commercial services externally;

3) Improve the resource package purchasing process and realizing the core algorithm which allows system resource recovery on demand in the main & side chain mode

4) The world state management function has been optimized and utilizes a buffer layer to reduce the impact on the performance when faced with a large volume of data.

Ultrian’s Smart Contracts

1) According to the potential attacking method of existing contract vulnerability, Ultrain added the corresponding API to avoid an attack in TypeScript for developers.

2) Further, improving the functions of “send inline action and send deferred action” to increase interface security and robustness.

Ultrain Developer Kit

3) The new UltrainOne app is officially released, offering wallets, loyalty points, app stores, malls, news and more.

4) U3.js interface, Longclaw and browser interface, developer technical documentation upgrade, compatible with the current resource package economic model.

Ultrain’s Latest Community & Event Update

Upcoming Announcement

Ultrain was invited as an essential partner to participate in the forthcoming binance blockchain Week Singapore 2019 event! Stay tuned for the exciting content!


Ultrain co-founder & CTO Li Ningji previously released the in-depth article of "Evolution of Blockchain – The Past, The presence, and The Future," and continued the production of his second article on "The difference between Blockchain and a Distributed Database.” An article with analytic nature and explained the difference between the two concepts often confused by other people. The analysis clearly showed the difference between a blockchain and a distributed database



Ultrain co-founder & CTO Li Ning personally led the team and is now constructing a technical community. He perceives himself as a technical evangelist, aims to maximize the value of the professional community after his prior experience in the universities of Zhejiang University, Sichuan University, etc. He now comes to Nanjing University, and hosted “blockchain university tour | application of innovation and value realization NJU station.” In this event, we feel the passion from those young emerging technologies! Ultrain Chief Architect Shen Yufeng, Saturn Technology Founder & CEO Chen Shuanghui, and the Co-Chair of World Digital Cooperation Organization Xu Gang and others all gave speeches at the event.


Ultrain released its economic system design article on the 24th. Our core business model is to integrate computing resources available on the network and sell them to corporate customers. By using our trust computing services, corporate customers can reconstruct their original business models, significantly reduce the cost of trust in the business environment, and achieve rapid revenue growth. The usage fees paid by corporate customers are allocated to all parties in the Ultrain ecosystem to ensure the sound development of the entire ecosystem. This paper also explains the disadvantages of the PoW blockchain economy system, represented by Bitcoin and Ethereum. As well as the DPoS economic system described by EOS, and expounds the Ultrain financial system from the perspectives of a well-designed industrial distribution model and mining economic model. Ultrain is expected to fundamentally solve the problem of diluting computation power, the stability of price, the liquidity of mining machines faced by miners, and address the issues of cost management faced by DApp developers and establish a more benign and consistent model that follows the natural growth of business development. Please refer to the below link for detail.

- https://medium.com/ultrain-chain/introduction-to-ultrains-economic-model-74920e1c687f


On December 25, 2018, Ultrain wished members of the community members all over the world a Merry Christmas! At the same time, Ultrain launched the Telegraph community egg activity and successfully attracted a large number of new members to join the Ultrain global community, and welcome more members to participate in our community activities in the future!

- https://bbs.ultrain.io/topic/23/%E5%85%B3%E4%BA%8Eultrain-r-pos%E5%85%B1%E8%AF%86%E7%9A%84%E8%A7%A3%E8%AF%BB


On the day after Ultrain release its economic system design, in order to allow more community members to truly understand the Ultrain economy system, our co-founder & CEO Guo Rui conducted a live broadcast for 1.5 hours, focusing on the analysis of Ultrain’s economic system, and answer many of questions from the community, welcome community members who have not had time to participate in the live broadcast to watch the video playback. http://h.huajiao.com/l/index?liveid=257527262&reference=circle&qd=circle&userid=188431024&author=188431024&time=1546409401&version=6.6.7


Ultrain has been testing the public network for several weeks. In the past few weeks, we have received a large number of application from around the world — thanks to so many people for recognizing our public chain technology. The applicants all faced strict screening process, and announced a total of 19 applicants from China, the United States, South Korea, Singapore, and other countries were selected as our first test network users. See the list for details.

On the same day, Ultrain invited an important member of Ultrain’s ecosystem – Unitopia, from Electric Soul Blockchain Lab. They joined the Ultrain telegraph community participate and interacted with Ultrain’s community members; they also explain why Unitopia chose Ultrain, some of the blockchain game currently under development, and the blockchain industry. He said that the performance of Ultrain far exceeds the general public chain out in the market, and its TPS can fully meet the needs of their games. Also, Unitopia believes that blockchain gaming industry needs to solve the following problems: the lack of performance of the public chain, the lack of talents, the lack of gameplay experience, the lack of right mentality from developers. As you already know, Ultrain has continuously conducted the community sharing activities similar to this from time to time. We also welcome everyone to join our community at home and abroad to learn and participate together.


The most mysterious technology on Ultrain’s team, Alex will make the appearance in the community! If there are no exceptional circumstances, Alex will share the technology in the Ultrain official telegram group every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 2 pm Beijing time to share the latest technical developments of Ultrain and answer questions from community members. Welcome everyone to join the Ultrain telegraph group (see the bottom of the page) to participate in the event! 👏 https://www.huoxing24.com/newsdetail/20181214010848617118.html?from=groupmessage&isappinstalled=0


Ultrain announced on December 29 that it will officially open its external business services on 2019.1.1. T Ultrain’s permitted mainnet entered the beta stage on 1 October 2018. In the 86 days since then we have completed 743,248 blocks on the chain and deployed five smart contracts for two DApps. Transactions peaked at 345 TPS over the 86 days of operation, demonstrating the reliability, usability and performance of Ultrain’s network.

Ultrain has completed its network preparation and is able to provide external parties with commercial services, Ultrain have reached strategic cooperation agreements with Unitopia, Mixmarvel Technology, Real Event Limited, Jungo Network, Great Resource New Energy and other leaders in various industries. We expect numerous commercial DApps to make use of Ultrain’s permitted mainnet in the next few months, providing services to end users while operating on Ultrain’s chain.

The Ultrain commercial main network resource package application service has also been launched. Users can use this link: Https://explorer.ultrain.io/account-recharge for Free application for test network resource package experience.

New Year Surprise! — UltrainOne App is Coming Online

As the year of 2018 has past, we welcome the new year of 2019. Ultrain wishes all community members a happy new year! At the same time, Ultrain also prepared a little gift for everyone — Ultrain’s official app UltrainOne! The app, which we developed inhouse, supports both iOS and Android. The user interface is elegant and simple to operate, making use of the cutting-edge interactive design of the latest generation of mobile applications. At present, users can use this app to create an Ultrain test net wallet or import wallet on the mobile terminal. It is easy to use, Users also have the option of using either a mnemonic phrase or a private key as a wallet backup solution to minimize the risk of losing wallet access, to prevent anti-theft. In addition to the wallet function, UltrainOne APP has new functions such as a new point system, mall, app store, UGAS query, news information and more.

For details please refer to: https://medium.com/ultrain-chain/announcing-the-launch-of-ultrainone-the-official-ultrain-app-acdf5fff5eb4

Ultrain also prepared surprise for everyone on Ultrian’s App. we have hidden the eggs in the official website and APP, we are waiting for community members to find and receive those rewards, we welcome everyone to participate! 👏

The above information demonstrated the progress of Ultrain from December 17th to December 31st. Thank you for all your interest in Ultrain! Stay tuned for our latest developments and updates!

