Ultrain Monthly Report(2020.6.8–7.5)

Published in
3 min readJul 13, 2020

Following is the monthly report on the progress of the project from Jun. 8th -Jul- 5th, which contains two items: project development progress and community dynamic update. It is for the community members to check. Thank you for your attention.

Technology Update from Ultrain (6/8–7/5)

Ultrain’s Core Technology

1) The design of signature multithreading verification scheme is completed, and the coding implementation is started to improve the system performance;

2) Complete the design and implementation of the automatic deployment of the home node of the Ubuntu version, and complete the deployment of the first machine;

3) The node certificate management tool adds the functions of national secret certificate generation, certificate freezing, unfreezing and revocation;

4) Improve the privacy protection function, and further optimize the realization of zero knowledge proof client function.

Ultrain’s Ecosystem

1) The S.I.R platform has the functions of releasing commodity videos, putting them on the shelves regularly, and withdrawing cash from the shop assistants;

2) Support the blockchain game forceforfast online, and have completed a number of related business transaction orders on the hypersystem platform;

3) We have completed the function construction and online operation of the first phase of the blockchain enterprise service platform together with our partners. At present, we have settled in nearly 50 enterprises.

Ultrain Developer Kit

1) Complete the debugging of Ultrain One application typescript version and the function planning and design of the next version;

2) Complete the requirement analysis of enterprise customers about the integral function, and support the coding implementation.

Ultrain’s Latest Community & Event Update

The Ultrain blockchain supports the national secret algorithm

Cryptography is the foundation of blockchain, in which cryptography algorithms are widely used, including symmetric encryption, asymmetric encryption, one-way hash algorithm, digital signature and so on. In order to realize the independent control of cryptography technology, China has also defined its own national secret standard. In 2020, the central bank issued the “financial distributed ledger technology security specification”, which clearly requires that domestic blockchain technology must support the national secret algorithm.

The Ultrain has completed the support for the state secret algorithm, which meets all the requirements of the central bank’s security specifications.

Ultrain has completed development of many new functions

Recently, Ultrain independently developed one-stop user growth technology service platform based on small app stores has officially added a number of functions, such as supporting users to directly share store business cards, one click Copy of goods to share copies, separate view of reward plate, individual view of contacts, collection of products, as well as the function of uploading video for businesses and supporting non rebate products on the shelves, Welcome to experience!

In addition, we are most interested in the shop to explore gold activities are still in hot! If you invite merchants from all walks of life to open a shop, you will get a reward for opening a store, and there will be a permanent profit waiting for you.

Ultrain is working closely with multiple business partners

Recently, the Ultrain S.I.R platform has supported the blockchain game forceforfast, and has completed many related business transaction orders! At the same time, we have completed the function construction of the first phase of the blockchain enterprise service platform together with our partners, and successfully put it into operation. At present, we have settled in nearly 50 enterprises. In addition, there are many business cooperation in order, please look forward to it!

The above is the progress report of Ultrain from Jun 8th to Jul 5th, looking forward to more exciting contents after that!

